
But... it's just a /copy/, right? They didn't actually lose anything, and nothing was stolen, since it's JUST a copy, right?

I named mine "Dial-up Networking" and left the router unlocked for a few weeks. Nobody touched it.

Yeah, they just completely lack the "look" the others have, and seem like somebody else did them. McCoy is just... that caricature almost seems downright insulting.

Some of the more actiony parts are either boss fights, alarms or other in-game story-related events that tie into the plots. The ambiance and the feel of all the other Dead Space games are there, though in different doses.

I can't help but see Wonderwoman farting as Superman carries her off into the sky. I know that shouldn't be what came to mind, but... well, there it is. The "smoke trail" just seems so awkward.

There is a duck system, but it plays nothing like Gears of War (e.g. you can't hit a button and 'take cover' behind an object). It lets you crouch. That it's. You can get behind things to shoot over, but it's very rudimentary and you'll only use it in a few minor scenes. The duck system can even be used to sneak past

True, but then everybody would just be making "Oh, it's Space Madden 2013 Edition" cracks non-stop if they kept the formula the same. And ducking is almost useless in Dead Space 3. Don't take this the wrong way, but by your criticism it sounds like you haven't even played the game. It really doesn't play much more

As somebody who pretty much just played Dead Space 1, 2 and 3 back to back... I don't really see it all that much different. Yes, it's a little more action oriented, but the world is expanded, more open and more dangerous. It's not a claustrophobic ship anymore. The story and gameplay have evolved.

Oh, I don't have high hopes for the game, I just find it funny that the number one complaint about it is the graphics.

Gamers continually chant, "Graphics don't make the game! It's all about gameplay!" And yet all I see here is "Man, the graphics suck!"

Likewise. Not a great movie, but average. Nothing wrong with average.


All the bad reviews are "WAAAUGH! DLC!".

Even if they gave him two lines he'd still have twice the dialogue as he did in the Phantom Menace.

I think the problem with the survival horror genre is that it's too easy to lather, rinse repeat. If you don't try to change it up, it eventually just becomes the same thing, new maps. People will then start making the Call of Duty argument that "the game never changes, it's the same thing over, it's just Dead Space

I get that, yes, but that was a majority of the video.

The mod looks amazing though, and I've definitely been interesting. Never heard a bad thing about DayZ. And yeah, I'd probably say the motion blur + incredibly high mouse sensitivity.

That's pretty cool, actually... but that video somehow gave me motion sickness. Seemed zoomed in for most of it, and a bit /too/ fluid. Never had that sensation before.

After watching that video, my only thought is "How many people are going to break their necks on those rides?".

I can understand saying a project as "buttfuck" or something if you're at a loss for a name for it, but you should at least rename it before posting it online.