
I definitely felt the Dead Space team put a lot of love in their universe, much like Mass Effect. Even if you didn't quite understand Dead Space's lore up front (like the meaning behind the pillars) you could feel the rich detail that went into the backstory of the game. It made the game feel real, like everything had

I didn't feel Dead Space was scary personally, but it was DEFINITELY tense (especially towards the ending). I thought that DS2 was about on par with the the first, but the scares were handled differently. I feel like I had a lot of "OH SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" moments in DS2.

Yeah, I thought the story was pretty simple. It took a bit for it to realize how the Markers impacted Isaac, as they don't really do anything to explain them in-game. The (kind of awful) movies do a lot better job of that. The marker's left an imprint on him in a manner similar to how they influence genetic code, but

There's a battlecry I always hear among my fellow gamers. "Graphics don't make the game!" And yet, that seems to the most common complaint ABOUT games I hear. =P So long as the gameplay, story and voice acting are decent I'll be more than happy.

I think his only defense would be to sue for use of the original score, specifically that. Don't even broach the idea of the cover, but argue that it was an original musical piece upon which lyrics were later added to.

The 90% of producers and designers may have been true 10 years ago, but not so much anymore. Quite a lot of companies have gone over to the PC for art and graphic design over the past decade. Not saying Apple doesn't have a large chunk of the market, but it's nowhere near predominate as it once was.

I love Dark Souls, but the story is almost non-existent, even when trying to fill in the blanks. If you didn't use a wiki or guide in conjunction with the game you'd probably never find a ton of things within (covenants, the Great Hollow, Ash Lake), let alone what you need to do in order to nail down a good chunk of

Nothing to see here. This is the not the controversy you're looking for. Move along.

I'm not saying some things don't happen (especially in large groups), but randomly running up and humping strangers is not one I've heard.

Deviancy is a human trait, and for some it's excessively bad. For some, they can't control their urges, and take them too far. I've seen people all but having hardcore sex at a Panera's. Some people can't control their urges.

I don't think I'm an animal other than human. Nobody I knows thinks we're animals, or even "animal spirits", so...

Battle weary con 'vet. =P My first con was back in '99. I've done a few anime and gaming cons over the years, and they're all the same. I don't care what anyone says. All fandom conventions are the same. The only difference? The costumes.

I run

Normality is a myth most people pretend to play along with but almost no one subscribes to.

Normality is a myth.

Uhm, what? I run the largest furry site on the internet (and one of the largest sites on the planet). I've done some 40+ furry cons, and I've never once heard of a furry just randomly going to anybody and dry humping them before. Ever. And I've heard (and seen) just about ever horror story in the fandom.

Pffffht. Not all of us furries are bad (or even weird). Most of our conventions are just excuses to party and have fun. Some costume, some dance, DJ... or just have a hell of a good time.

I'm going to vote yes. I couldn't play the game for about 3 months after buying it. I'd log into the "single player" and my ping would be 600-1000ms. Queue endless rubberbanding, missed hits, bullshit deaths and more. Meanwhile, every other game or service is between 20-50ms via FIOS.

My launch day Xbox still works fine, even after having gone to Kyrgyzstan, where dust, deserts and heatwaves are the norm in the Summer. But yeah, it does sound like a vacuum cleaner. =P

I wish I had some what to upvote your comment. Voice of reason.