
and take mushrooms together.

What the article didn't capture - Mike borrowed his big brother's expression of exasperation when he read the Yelp review.

It's obviously a joke, but something being "a joke" doesn't mean it's not harmful.

I'll stop the world and melt with you/You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time/There's nothing you and I won't do/I'll stop the world and melt with nom nom nomnom...


I love that my first thought was "because the dolls turned themselves around in the night?!?" I am maybe more freaked out than I thought, and also a giant baby.

I'm just here to say that I knew a woman who had two sons, but always wanted a daughter. So naturally, she had a doll of a little girl in a high chair at the dining room table. Nothing creepy about that...right?

One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables

...why are we focusing on lingerie night and not on the fact that some guy thought that it would be okay to try to kidnap a woman? If anyone is the problem, it's him."

They're...big. Like dominoes. Or headstones. Or the United Nations building.

This is why we can't have nice fucking things. Manicured perfect, cookie-cutter lawns are fucking ugly resource wasters. Also, air conditioning, I fucking hate air conditioning. I have to carry a sweater like a goddamn grandma around with me because everyone thinks that any temperature above 70 is inhospitably

"Hated her". Does this mean you poured a bucket of water on her and she melted away forever? (pls say yes)

This is a conversation I regret not having with my husband before Cheeze Slice was born. I hadn't really gotten into the feminist perspective as much, and thus went along with the status quo. I still haven't changed my name, though. First, out of laziness, and now out of principle.

Absolutely! And it is badass.

This only happens a handful of times every season. Umps have blown that many calls in a single game. If you put men out there to snag foul balls, they'd fuck up a handful of times every season too. Your argument is weak, and it makes you look like an elitist asshole.

Butters, what have we said about not caring about other people's boners?!

I'll be in my bunk.