
We did it, America! Gay pizza for everyone!

I really hope that in the new Smash game, no matter what he always has that serial killer grin on his face the entire time

That the Catholic Church had a strangle-hold on social programs and profited from the lack of services provided by a government in thrall to them? We should be grateful?

Let's call it what it really was, a concentration camp for unwed mothers and their children. I do hope we've learned something from this and make sure it never, ever happens again.

It's also pretty offensive against couples that decide not to have children, like a man who doesn't have a child isn't a good person.

A smaller secondary point to the one you raised: I also found this really reductive and insulting to men who are married, have children and are not abusive monsters. The implication that the only reason they're caring and loving spouses and fathers is because of a government contract is pretty gross.

Okey doke, I'll just head down to the husband store and pick one up. Because we all have a line of suitors who want to marry, love and protect us from other men.

I think what bothers me more than FIFA's corruption is how willing the politicians of Brazil went against the wishes of the people and sold their souls.

native Floridian who escaped to NY 16 years ago and much prefer it...if you've lived there and not just done the tourist thing, you know that books by Carl Hiassan are a little to close to the reality of Florida for comfort....most seem to move there to die or run away from something in their lives....

"I think one of the problems with the driving in Florida is that nobody is from Florida, the roads are full of people from every state, all with their own driving styles."

I live in Florida and can verify that people here are just angry. I live in Orlando, which thrives on tourism and therefore brings down salaries for all of us, yet it's still impossible to find a 1-bedroom apartment for less than $800 a month. It's safe to say at least half the drivers here, who are INSANE, don't

Oh man, don't even get me started on Orlando. I could rant for days about the traffic and the real estate market and the everything else that's wrong with this region. Ugh.

Wow, I just love all these generalizations about Floridians and old people. Sheesh. I think one of the problems with the driving in Florida is that nobody is from Florida, the roads are full of people from every state, all with their own driving styles. Plus, it's hot as blazes most of the time, and people get edgy

I love this game.

Yes, you're going to get in shit for it, because your stance is basically the height of idiocy.

The girl's name is Morgan, but it's pronouced "More-gone."

This is what happens when you have a child who is born with the genetics which cause their cognition to deviate and thus, become sociopaths.

The murderers were raised by Goths. - OMG! Satan worshipping devils!

I wish I had something as "developmentally inappropriate" as Slenderman growing up. I would have ended up far less emotionally scarred.

But It'll be so useful! I could tap you on the shoulder to get your attantion. I could point at which vodka I wanted in my red bull. Open bathroom door handles without touching them. Give props to the DJ. Flag a cab. Use it like a judges gavel. "From the windoooow to the wall!" would be more entertaining. Safer than