
I sent Anna Wintour a picture of me wearing my sweatpants and a Dog the Bounty Hunter t-shirt I got on sale at a Family Dollar store and asked her if it was cool if I went tonight. She told me I could wear the outfit at the Met Gala, but only if I agreed to sit with Giuliana Rancic. I turned her down.

When I was 17 I worked in a really abusive restaurant environment. It was an upscale place, but overrated (the NY Times gave it a meh it's ok review) but it had a great location in an nice NY suburb, and it was generally packed. But, like I said, super abusive environment because the owner was an old, racist, sexist,

Fun fact: Astley was my first legit pop star crush. I am not ashamed of that anymore like I was that time in 1988 when my friend saw a notebook filled with pictures of Astley I cut out of magazines I had in my locker and said "ewww you like this guy ugh he sucks" and I had to pretend like I found it on the bus. I LOVE

Well, little girl or freshman at Arizona State.

In the US, we have "paid leave," too. Yeah, it's what you get if you're a cop and shoot a person of color, a kid, or a disabled person.

Just his head is frozen.

Are you for real?

Squirrels were attacking people taking selfies, and police were confiscating stereos of people who played Celine Dion on repeat. It was as close to karmic justice as humanity ever got.

I will straight up KILL someone for licking me in the Walgreens.

If that had been me today, getting licked by some random asshole customer, I would have fucking lost it. The licking and unwanted ass-groping would have been overshadowed by his gristly evisceration with my bare hands. It was that kind of day.

The pedant in me wants to say that wouldn't turn of the century paris be only 14 years ago, the millennium? Wouldn't it be the turn of last century if you were referring to the 1900s?

Blue is for menstrual blood, crazy. Clear is for urine. You want people to think this woman is peeing menstrual blood?

"Wher are you from?"

Do they realize that most men - of whatever ethnicity - have archaic, sexist attitudes? Cause they do. Not to defend Asian men, just to say that men in general tend to suck.

I know several Asian women who do not like dating Asian men, not because they think of them as emasculated, but because a lot of them have archaic, sexist attitudes.

You should apologize for actually having friends that are investment bankers

Fuck Chase bank. They're doing you a favor when they close your account. Take your money and deposit it at a credit union.

goddamn, take away the tax exemption from all these fucking religious freaks.

Well that, plus why is any weight given to anything this particular man says? He knew about the sexual abuse by priests. He helped cover up/move priests around. Then, when the shit hit the fan, he moved tens of millions of dollars into a cemetery trust so that victims couldn't access it as damages.