
I mostly wanted to post a photo of Agent Mulder in speedo.

I want to believe!!!

I prefer Monster High Dolls

I'm still waiting on the "good reason" other than "it's how it's always been done."

I'm pretty sure Brazil nuts see her thighs and break on their own out of respect.

They really shouldn't have been sleeping without protective headgear if they didn't want to be hit in the head by hammers. I mean, jesus, can you blame the poor guy? These horrible women, just lying around with uncovered heads, practically begging to be assaulted... when will women learn that attacking women with

When I was a kid your parent held you in their arms while driving. Actually, they held you with one hand while smoking with the other and steering with their knees.

NO NO NO NO! You totally could have called this article "Culture Wars." Do I have to think of everything around here?

Feel like they should have a brand called Electra or something. :)

it told me to do some ultra urban quilting.

Honestly, I think everyone deserves a spot at the table in feminism, including cis and trans men, regardless of their gender expression or how much they may pass. Patriarchy hurts everyone. Maybe not equally, but anyone who is invested in deconstructing oppressive structures can have a seat with me.

You perfectly explained how I feel about feminism with this :

Badtz-Maru was my spirit animal.

At peak menstruation, women's vision transitions to infrared and can see everything.

Women's breasts are full of helium that is released when they metabolize wine. That's why all women drink wine, to keep their boobs pert and bodacious. Don't blame the messenger, ladies: blame science.

Every time you mansplain, the likelihood of your next boss being a woman goes up 20%.

When a woman says she doesn't want kids, she really means I DON'T WANT DAMN KIDS.

Women who wear skirts are only doing so for easy access to the weapon strapped to her thigh next to her Secret Service badge. If she even thinks you saw it, she is obligated to kill you.

This is actually the most reasonable comment in this whole discussion, in the sense that because you are dumb enough to be a Mets fan, it makes perfect sense that you are likewise dumb enough to hold that opinion about a player taking paternity leave.