

here she is, I can't wait to wear her!

Folks, suicide threats from abusers are also abuse. It's a manipulative tactic, whether intentional or not. If you are in this position, or are witnessing someone in this position, call 911 and tell them you have a suicide threat on your hands.

So, when there was one of these posts yesterday, we all had a long conversation about whether it is acceptable to fade someone out of a casual new relationship. Thanks, everyone who responded! People had mixed feelings, but what I gathered is that women were more likely to think it's okay (personally, I would rather

Their half sandwich plus small salad/soup deal is pretty decent at $6-8. You'll have to pry Panera from my cold dead hands.

First, before I say anything, this guy was a good samaritan, and I fucking hate it when good guys have bad things happen to them. Nothing I am about to say should negate the fact that:
1. This dude was awesome


Where do you suggest they should complain instead?

Things he would bring to a desert island: "A woman to be with and to have company, a gun to easily kill animals to eat, and a knife to carve them up."

I'm actually glad to see my alma mater on here. Maybe this will force them to get their damn act together!

As someone who works at a university I get beyond frustrated when people say to bypass the university system entirely in favor of the criminal justice system. Survivors should pursue both.

The biggest problem with Dartmouth is also its biggest strength: isolation. It feels like camp to many students there, and that is fostered in numerous subtle ways by the administration and the students themselves. I don't believe that the school is more fucked up than other places, but the small community leaves

The fact that the College has not committed its immense resources to tracing threatening and harassing Board @ Baker (that online discussion forum) messages is beyond me. They have been able to do it from time to time (like with the rape guide post), but they don't dedicate their resources to it, and it allows this

All those people and not one could show that woman how to actually hold a cello? Embarrassing for a MUSIC video.

I'm not sure if people from non-Greek schools can appreciate how absolutely HUGE this is. This doesn't just affect SAEs from X College, but from basically every major school in the US. I get it, it won't happen seamlessly, but it's an absolutely historic effort to cutting out hazing and I genuinely applaud them for