
I don't think he's pining for someone he loved when he was 14 I think he's really pining for the last time he was anything approaching relevant.

I don't mean to blame the victim here, but if you swipe right on a dude lifting weights as his picture, you can't be THAT surprised, right?

I watched Alex and Emma this weekend and I can at least say that This Means War was nowhere near that painfully horrible.

What is the school doing to rectumfy the situation?

I was more excited about King Richard III under a parking lot, but this is cool too. All those guys with metal detecters on the beach should really be walking around British malls...

And what the fuck kind of hideous shoes are those? They are like a monstrous Adidas Timberland mash up.

you officially win the Internet today. Had I been drinking coffee when reading that, it would have come out of my nose. Monty aka Giant Puppy of Doom will make good coffee in exchange for a pat on the head and being told he is a good boy.

I just... even if you did think you raped him, why is that something you'd say so glibly? Like, if you really believe you maybe did something that was inappropriate in the past (hindsight etc) then wouldn't you look back on it with regret and even shame? Not randomly throw it out as a bon mot? Jesus these two are the

I do avoid them like a plague. In my opinion they don't know how to make real coffee

OF COURSE IT'S BAD FOR YOU. Was there ever any doubt? Seriously? Is it news that mass-produced flavored coffee drinks contain artificial flavors and colors and HFCS?

I don't know, I'm pretty jazzed about these

Is there even ONE dude out there pretending to be a woman so he can prey on females in restrooms? This lady is insane. Also apparently no men abuse boys, and no women abuse girls, bathrooms are totally safe until someone assigned the wrong gender at birth walks in to a stall? I'm not even forming coherent sentences

What does "physically male/female" mean, though?

She does realize that the probability of at least one of her brood being LGBTQ is super high, right??


A woman who went on a hunger strike after being denied an abortion at eight weeks has been forced by the Irish government to unwillingly undergo a C-section at just 25 weeks' gestation. And then her baby was taken away from her.