
I think they are a sexy pair, which I can't explain because they don't do anything for me individually

How else is someone falsely accused supposed to respond?

Can I commiserate too? I have a friend on her way to a serious drinking problem. She constantly makes shitty comments about me “judging her” even though I really haven’t even said anything to her. It’s like she’s projecting her moral compass on to me and then being a dick about it. I’ve kind of just been distancing

Doesn’t happen to you that sometimes you write something here and you think you just wrote the most intelligent and interesting statement ever and no one reads it?

“This is a man who has never loved an animal.”

When you hear about someone who needs money for an immigration bail go and donate it or help to pay an immigration lawyer directly.

“But, perhaps most important, the Los Angeles Police Department is now investigating 52 complaints against Tyndall, who has said he plans to continue practicing well into his 80s”

Thank you for asking. Found this link in our local threads, neighbors stepped up yesterday to replace essentials and now community is working on something longer term.

I know it’s assault, but sometimes you have to take a stand. someone should have kicked his fucking teeth in. When I was younger me and my moms were homeless for a few months, the mental toll it takes on you is staggering and the fact you have nothing to look forward to. White people in this fucking country are

British Prime Minister Theresa May .... said she was “looking forward” to the visit...

Canada, if you’re listening, please hack our elections and install someone relatively sane into office.

I hope not. The hair is a key element in the story, and a dead giveaway that she’s not who she says she is. I know a ton of those socialite types, and none of them - not a single one - would be caught dead with her hair. The fact that she managed it only makes the con that much more comical.

That Obama tweet.

I likely misunderstood your intent, but did you really refer to Ivanka Trump as a feminist or are you calling her out for being fake feminist?

Ivanka trump is not a lean in feminist. She is a grifting, delusional child of a grifter.

The letter has been leaked!

I don’t think we’re going to have a recession in 2018... but with all the safety nets being removed, I think the recession that eventually happens will be far worse than 2008. When that happens we’ll have a lot less social programs to help people and I guess we’ll be a 3rd world country in terms of people living on