
Totally. My statement wasn't an indictment of monogamy. I'm not pro-monogamy or anti-monogamy (different things work for different people), just anti-betrayal. Ashley Madison are hypocrites for acting like monogamy is the problem when the problem is people breaking promises. I'd guess most Ashley Madison users are

Lowery tweeted that he was never read his Miranda rights.

My first year, I did get wind of things like this, but I didn't understand. There was a list of hot freshmen. People laughed about it. Older girls in my dorm would also mention to me if an older guy had said something about me, or they'd ask about boyfriends etc. Luckily no specific propositions were ever made to me

"Two days before graduation, seniors reach out to younger students with whom they'd like to hook up before departing for college."

"Our home is so beautiful now that we've renovated it exactly the way we want! Crumbling '70s facade! Complete with dimly lit rooms!"


A disproportionately high number of victims do seem to be male compared to the number of gay men (while still being less than female victims overall) so I'm guessing that's a part of it too. This is apparently because men are more likely to be perpetrators and thus have access to boys more often, not because gay


Isha, hi.

Thank you for that. It's stunning how lightly people treat his behavior.

"He's always up to something!"

It's interesting to look at the Black Panties cover and imagine the rich inner lives and families and friends and interests and goals and dreams of each of those women.


She looks amazing.

'Her sole contribution to [my wank fantasies] was being a hot, big-boobed blonde bimbo'.

I think she does a lot of animal rights stuff still.

Is he holding a gun? Is this an infamous snapshot taken before an assassination?


I thiiiiink this was meant to (but sue to character limits) be a "thanks for tweeting at us to let us know we have an absolute nightmare writer working here" kinda thing.