
cool beans. Very helpful. to be honest. thx.

I think at some point somebody in McDonald's marketing department who thought this was a good idea is going to wind up receiving a very large Happy Meal box to place their personal items into.

How bout a "So you've just procreated, have you considered cheating on your partner yet?" button.

So, I'm guessing you think it was a mistake for me to get a tattoo of that Deadspin comment I made that got starred?

Are you in London or planning to go to London? I'm pretty sure all you'd have to do is hit him up on twitter or instagram or tinder or whatever it is the kids are using these days. Failing that, just go to the same yoga studio or one of his gigs. He actually tells women in the audience that he's up for it, and

If you're so against abortion, I can assume that means you never have sex with women, right? Because I promise you any woman who ends up pregnant with your zygote is gonna wanna 86 that thing. Better keep it in your pants and not risk any "murders."

You could easily find someone to dress up as a chicken, the Internet is magical in that regard. You don't need to hurt something let alone kill another creature.

Almost nothing makes me cry/vomit faster than animal abuse. I'm all for getting your freak on as long as ALL PARTIES ARE CONSENTING.

If you're a man with this fetish (and let's be honest; men feed the demand for this fetish), do us all a favor and choke on broken glass.

Can you be a little more informative? This reads like a critical review of picture of a cat with words on it. Would people who enjoy actual brewed, spicy chai enjoy this beverage? Or is it just another syrupy sweet thing that Dunkin Donuts regulars would like?

Seriously, this is my kind of investigative journalism.

We do?

They should fire all of their assistants, nannies, housekeepers, and even agents. Sell whatever mansion(s) they're living in and move into a very nice suburban home. Sell all the cars but 2 practical, useful ones. Quit buying designer clothes. Take 1-2 nice family vacations a year and fly commercial. Put all the cash

A million stars for you! "Cross-legged" is another great option, folks!

Emily slept with Dylan McDermott. Or was it Dermot Mulroney?

He's photographed Obama

The noise of all of them trying to talk at once is the thing of which my nightmare are made. I couldn't make it past the 30 second mark.

Last year Kentucky Derby May 2 2013. Technically it was the day after.

Totally unhelpful, but ... since my late twenties, I've had nasty cystic acne. Five years now, I've been trying everything (from aspirin masks to deals with the devil) to get clear skin. A month ago, I start chemo and ... POOF. Totally clear skin. Apparently there's an upside to cancer treatment. Not a tip so