
Nothing about this story is surprising, but I am really digging this hair color on her. It's actually quite lovely. Great dye job this time.

So we're applauding Lindsey Lohan for singing to a guy who raises money for the party doing its best to ensure women have no access to birth control or abortion?

Lilo's participation makes perfect sense to me. Like the Republican Party leadership, she's out of touch with reality, desperately trying to hold on to disappearing prestige and followers, and will do anything for a buck.

Hollywood is literally ruled by the libidos of all the studio heads. It comes down to who they would or wouldn't want to fuck. It's a great argument for just reading a book instead.

:( My cat is going to be put down tomorrow. She is old and is very sick right now- she has arthritis and dementia and she's lost a lot of weight for some reason despite our best efforts. But I love her so much. I just feel so sad.

RIGHT??? It's not just me then that finds this shit fucking insane. RIGHT??????

De-nial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Maybe because she's honest?

There's a difference between a sex worker who has willingly chosen that profession and sex workers that are being trafficked and forced against their will to work as a sex worker.


AND PEOPLE WERE WILLING TO PARTAKE!! People were actually willing to "enjoy her"!!! No one saved her and people under their own free will actually raped her! They watched someone rape her, and then THEY raped her!! I'm sorry but what.the.everloving.fuck were these people thinking?!?!? How the hell does a man even get

We are twinsies on the whole gaga thing. Woman's a jerk.

R Kelly AND Terry Richardson?

While Gabrielle Union is a beautiful unicorn for whom I wish only good things and rainbows and kittens (but only if she's a cat person!), how is this a story? Is he supposed to deny his child - a child that Union reportedly knew about BEFORE they got engaged - because it casts a sad light on his fiancee's big news?

I just find Miley Cyrus to be gross. I used to work at a dog kennel that bred and competed Labradors and used to help with Artificial Inseminations, and one time made the mistake of wearing flip-flops and got dog cum on my foot. The feeling I got then is the same feeling I get when watching that Miley Cyrus clip.

Damn, I got "extremely dense" and "incredibly dense"... Now I need to come up with a cool nickname for you, Internet buddy!

Man, the first season of Psych was weirder than I remember.

He's cute is what he is.