
I once shared an elevator with Kevin Sorbo. The building had a lot of floors and he struck up a conversation with me so we talked for a few minutes. The man is absolutely delightful and has a wicked sense of humour. Why wouldn't someone want him in their film?

Seriously, I am tickled that a woman who devoted her life to her ailing mother but was told not to bother with schooling, that she was "slow", was just informed to the contrary. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be told that as a matter of fact, I was not stupid, that it turns out that sneaking suspicion I

Regarding Kevin Sorbo I jut want to say that I have met quite a few celebrities in my previous jobs and Kevin Sorbo was the nicest and most real. Also funny. So that sucks.

Nah, he was (and is) a Vail, CO firefighter before the show. She was... from California? Not Colorado. She moved to Vail after the show. He was (and is) a cool, laid back guy. She is... just a horrible person. So mean to service industry employees (which I am)

As someone who lives in the same town Trista does and interacts with her fairly regularly, she's far more vapid than even this represents. And she's horribly nasty and haughty, which is saying something even for a Vail Valley society type. Poor Ryan, he's a cool guy. He could do way better.

I am amazed at the sympathy here for the Kardashians. They are using Odom's drug problems as a plot point in their crappy reality show. This family routinely exploits its personal life for reality show ratings, now it is exploiting someone else's life. They really do disgust me.

I don't have a lot of patience for or interest in the Kardashians in general, but this whole Khloe and Lamar business just makes me sad. Seriously, I just hope both of them are okay and have some good people in their lives who can offer them genuine support.

I just don't understand redundant statements like these. First of all, that's a hell of a lot of money and will set each of them up comfortably, which is a positive thing. Secondly, how much is enough to get over childhood sexual abuse? $5 million? $10 million? There isn't a figure that will 'fix' that. The payout

I wish I got to plan my costumes. Instead I have trouble arguing for a new color of scrubs...

I have a coat like this and it is amazing and awesome and I love it. XD I highly recommend giant coats.

Watching that clip was inconceivably embarrassing. It's a shame, too, since the premise and the time period could indeed be interesting on a show, but better to leave a such a task to someone like the BBC. Or, you know, you could just read La Princesse de Clèves.

This is one of the most devastating things I've ever read. There really aren't words to express my admiration for someone who would willingly relive this kind of thing in print for the sake of keeping it from happening to somebody else.

It is really a fresh departure from all the other skinny, white people on the list this year, and last year, and the year before that.

I live in Kansas City and I get paper Star every day. I read that Sunday paper back to back, with Nighmare in Maryville blasted on FRONT page. The research done on this case is fantastic & eye opening. Kudos to Dugan Arnett for putting it together.

I feel like it's great that they called it Maryville as you're clearly Magdalen or Madonna here. Even if you're only 13 and you said no, you slut. Well done Maryville.

I understand and recognize that it takes a special kind of asshole to drug and rape a girl, particularly one so young, and if I'm going to keep reading the news, apparently I need to come to terms with that.

What in the everlovingmotherofgodfuckinghell is up with dumping semi-conscious or completely unconscious rape

And these are just the stories that get out. There are many, many more where the victim does nothing in fear that this fucking bullshit is going to happen to her. It breaks my heart to think of how many times this has happened.

Miley Cyrus is just a puppet. She is controlled by egomaniac designer Marc Jacobs. His best buddy Terry Richardson directed her latest video clip which was the idea of Jacobs. He is a cruel manipulator who has a great influence on stars like Lady Gaga, Kanye West. He told Miley to act like that at the VMA. Miley admit

Speaking of The Shining, is anybody reading Doctor Sleep?