I wanted to say “Scott Weiland” but like Cobain, I honestly don’t think they would be happy.
I wanted to say “Scott Weiland” but like Cobain, I honestly don’t think they would be happy.
It’s kinda relatable. If I had to smile for a camera I’d look like a serial killer as well.
Doesn’t the first amendment only guard against government interference in speech? I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to voluntarily agree to limit your speech as part of the terms of a contract with a non-government party. It’s the same principle as NDAs.
A reminder to always, always ignore the number that a company is suing for. That’s basically meaningless, its really just there to scare people and get headlines. The actual reality of the damages would get assessed during the actual trial, if it goes to one.
I’m really not a fan of influencer culture.
In Soviet Russia Goofy Movie Actor in Mortal Kombat Cosplay Wins Holes Tourney
Am I crazy or does the picture at the top of the article and the picture in the tweet look like two different guys?
Its fairly straight forward w/ a 3-4 hit combo string that you stitch special moves onto. There are 3 special moves per character activated by a single button and a direction. The tag mechanic also works as a way to stop your character from being juggled which is really important on later levels as you can and will be…
Short version:
Counterpoint: that behavior makes perfect sense when you’ve had nothing to eat but oxycontin all day.
Max Payne has the best 3rd person shooting ever. The aiming was incredible and the physics and bullet time and the grounded feel to Max hitting the floor and he dives back and forth in a firefight.
Jokes on them, my controller already smells like pizza.
No what you said is that people who wear Crocs look like trash. I am far more successful in my 40s wearing what I want then I was in my 20s and 30s worrying what other think. Honestly most of the reason I am offended about the crocs=trash comments isn’t even because I wear them but my wife happens to. They are just…
$200 minimum? For what exactly? A pair of jeans and sneakers.
But It’s your(or this events) perception that shorts, hats or crocs make someone look like a “slob”.
Exactly. They’re not robots. They are human just like all of us and want to have a bit of fun - that’s all. Looks like Isaiah here is a party pooper.
It’s a video game tournament. No one should be expecting business casual dress.
Why, exactly, do they make you look like trash. They are cheap comfy shoes. Lots of people like them. Don’t yuck others peoples yum
People complain on Reddit about everything. This is not a story. I miss when Kotaku wasn’t clickbait.