
I’m legitimately curious about something. What is the statute of limitations for a spoiler on a 15 year old game?

I get strong “hot tub” vibes from the interior.

Here’s what Microsoft’s Xbox update actually does: It will cut down on power usage by up to a factor of 20 by changing the default setting of Xbox consoles from “sleep” to “shut down.”

I don’t really care about the cosmetics, or crafting so much, but man this game needs more level variety. You can only play the same 3-4 maps, (which generally all have the same vibe) until they start to get really samey.  I mean, it’s a fun game and all, but I’m at the point where I’ve dipped in and out with friends

I think you’re partly right. I don’t think they are posting shitty inane take on purpose, but their algorithm is saying “hey, people are engaging with posts about TLoU!” and their corporate overlords are saying “Hey, write more articles about TLoU!” Which results in writers attempting to find something interesting to

So, is there a way to implement this with Zoom?  I could probably do the research, but I don’t want to. I feel like this could actually be quite useful in certain circumstances in Zoom meetings.

Haha, I’m sure you’re right.  Just one of those urban myths that have a habit of circulating.

Reminds me of lawschool. There were stories of students who would sabotage books in the library etc, to lower others on the curve so they could increase their own position on the curve. Perhaps just a bit of a myth, never saw that kind of behaviour myself, but yeah, that kindof thinking doesn’t really transfer well to

Watch out for that tree!

Coming from a guy that just upgraded to an RTX 4080, the cost of a few sticks of RAM is the last thing I expected to hear anyone complaining about in PC gaming.

I was just thinking I should go back and play it again.  I liked it, but it didn’t really feel like it had the replay value of 2, but I should give it another shot.

You guys over there at Kotaku are in the danger zone, because that revelation just took my breath away.

I’ve never wondered that.

Yeah, this article took kindof a weird shot at Troy Baker.  The guy is a very talented voice actor, and (correct me if I’m wrong) seems like an decent guy.

Not gonna lie, using “euthanize” in this context is really creepy.

This, right here, was a masterclass in accepting internet criticism with grace.

I mean, I definitely bought a PS1 for Final Fantasy, but yeah, it’s been a long time since those days.

If SE doesn’t want my money, that’s fine.  I’m certainly not going to buy a PS5 for the privilege of giving it to them.

This kindof reminds me of an idea I had a few years back which was to put some kind of readable text output on the backs of cars which could be pre-programmed with a few different outputs that could be potentially used while driving. I was initially thinking of putting options like “Thanks!” etc. that you could use if

I also wondered about that.  I’m kindof wondering if the list needs to be exclusively based on an IP that originated with a videogame.  Cyberpunk was a TT RPG long before it was a videogame.  I’m assuming that why the Witcher also wasn’t included in this list.