
Not sure if I did this right, but looks like Japan’s bullet trains travel ~200 mph (so, 7x the speed of the train you took) and a single-trip ticket costs ~$130.

No, I don’t want FO4.  I didn’t like it that much.  I think the things I mentioned are core gameplay pillars of Fallout games though, and the 3rd bullet in particular is a strong not in the direction of New Vegas, or at least that was my intention. 

In case of Kinja Fail, imagine Star Wars’ “Almost there” meme above.

Thanks, Brian! Now that I’m a dad, Dad of Light sounds pretty damn cool. Can you say a bit about what this show is?  What’s your take on it?

Interesting, thanks!  I do have a 3DS so I’ll keep an eye out for this.

Ooo, that sounds much better.  I’ll look into what’s involved in that.  Thanks!

It’s good to hear I may not need to fret as much as I thought I had to about what I did with each day. Is the map unlocked at a certain point? I could have sworn that on my first day of school I was trying to follow verbal directions on how to navigate 1-2 multi-leveled subway stations before I got to the part of town

I remember once upon a time hearing someone boil fun in games down to ‘making interesting/impactful choices’. The line was something like that. If you want your game to have some RPG feel to it, and if you want that to existing in playstyle and not just headcannon, then you have to be able to mold your character. Yes,

Hello, fellow Kotakuites, I’m looking for some guidance. P5 was the first Persona game I’ve played. I was looking for a cool, deep, RPG that let me hang out in Tokyo. I played for only a little while, till after you beat the first boss/mansion thing, and it just didn’t hook me. I was bothered by the repetitious,

Unions are way for relatively powerless individuals to do with large numbers of people what relatively powerful individuals do with large numbers of dollars.

Thanks, that was very helpful. I hadn’t noticed that link, but you’re right, all of those do have some element of stealth, even the original Rainbow 6s with the silenced pistols and MP5s and an option to quietly open doors.

Thanks, Stephen. Could you compare this to Wildlands, please? I’m curious about the extent to which cleverness affects outcome. For example, are there multiple ways to resolve encounters or is it almost always a straight-up attrition gunfight?

What you’re suggesting is that the autopilot is blocking the pilot from flying the plane, and that in order for the trained professional pilot to actually control the plane, the pilot has to first turn the autopilot off. That’s madness. My car’s cruise control and ‘stay in the lane’ stuff never ignore or even resist

Zeus bless you, madam. And Zeus bless Roy Focker, our once and future Skull Leader.

I’m glad they’re still supporting the game. It’s not to a point where I would buy it yet, but the fact that BSW is still supporting it means there’s at least a chance it will get there some day.

Drug convo aside, it’s funny to think of Olaf speaking with any of the voices I’ve heard playing Yakuza games.

Looks like someone finally made something out of Godus :)

Does Anthem have a microtransaction store with much in it right now though?  I thought I’d read that the store was pretty empty and the stuff in it only cosmetic, which I imagine means it’s not bringing in a significant amount of money. 

Same was said after Bungie closed the loot cave.  I stopped playing D1 pretty quickly but there are still folk playing D1 and D2.  I don’t recall if they fixed the ROI another way, lost a bunch of players, or players just got used to a lower ROI.

Small point of order, you can’t boycott something after you’ve bought it.