
So, bribes? Bribes.

I’m a big supporter of consumer rights, but in this case, caveat emptor really applies. Don’t buy games that only exist so long as some faceless corporation decides it’s profitable to keep it alive. Don’t buy games that are run like a service.

Thanks Jason. Good job. Reading your book now. At a time when so much of what’s called news or journalism is really just opinion and conjecture, I appreciate people like you who perform actual research and collect many points of hard fact to help frame a story, and Kotaku for employing and promoting people like you.

Okay. This is good. It means the consumers, when they act together, can affect publisher decisions about money.

“These are Sparta’s walls” - King Agesilaus

Where can we watch this video? I don’t see it in the article nor on Kotaku’s YouTube or Twitch pages.

I heard you liked helmets so I put a helmet on your helmet.

Well, restart the closure clock...

Well, considering the vast majority of the market doesn’t have those things, they shouldn’t be considered as mandatory features.

I’m in the pro-privacy camp. I feel like people should be able to have a reasonable expectation of privacy even in public. I also feel that people own their bodies and that no one else is allowed to commodity it without permission. So, no pictures of other people without their consent. I understand that’s tricky for

Your argument seems to just take for granted that the cost of developing games had to increase like that and must continue to rise over time. Why do you assume that?

You can’t know that unless an official, paid legacy server were available and went unused while a free one continued to be used.

It’s like Miyazaki’s a tsundere.

Luckily, our women kick ass! I’ll reserve my unabashed nationalistic pride for the representatives of our country who beat the best the world has to offer DESPITE stupid management, development programs, and an embarrassing lack of financial support and pay equity.

PC games were, on average, $50 not that long ago (because you didn’t have to pay the console maker a cut). Now they’re $60. That’s a 20% increase in maybe the last 5 years.

I usually start at the beginning of sentences, not just skip to the part I want. And in this case, the beginning is really important because the beginning is what justifies the end. The whole sentence is...

I mean no offense. I am non-religious, so we likely do see the effect of prayer differently. What it seems we can agree on, though, is that we can do more. We can do things here, now, in the physical world. Congress could change laws. Citizens could give blood and call/write/tweet/etc. our representatives and pressure

The Second Amendment allows citizen ownership of guns as part of a well-regulated militia. So, you either take the viewpoint that the well-regulated militia is the US Army, Navy, Marines, Airforce, Coast Guard, and various Reserve and Guards, or that we need a true militia that could somehow resist the others if they

Haha, if only. If it looked like that I might watch it.

Oh, sorry. I wasn’t talking about the average citizen. I was talking about folks in Congress who could vote tomorrow to make it harder for people like this to get guns like that.