
You bring up a good point. What I suggested isn’t a silver bullet. There are other good ideas. Like no more private sales and prison sentences for the people who previously owned these guns if they continue to sell them in a way that bypasses the psych eval. And for the people and companies who manufacture the kits

Don’t pray for LV, vote for gun control.

I still find it weird they’re focusing on an insignificant denomination. For example, the next time you fill your gas tank, it’ll probably cost around ¢2,000. Your next video game will cost you ¢6,000. Concert tickets cost around ¢10,000. A used car costs ¢500,000 and a new one could cost ¢3,000,000.

I’m still curious. If an individual yen is as worthless as our individual penny, why bother including it in the price? We hack off the cents now because they’re irrelevant and make the price look bigger/more expensive (which can suppress sales). This is as crazy to me as it would be if US companies displayed all

Looks like a shiny silver Halo Warthog with doors. I love it!

Are you saying it wasn’t bad planning but rather they’re just too small of a company to be able to afford a supply chain capable of adequately supplying the market so as to avoid repeat shortages and a grey market?

Topic-adjacent, why do the Japanese denote price in the equivalent of pennies? For example $1,000. We don’t bother with the last two digits, we don’t write it $1,000.00, we just focus on the dollars. So why do the Japanese include every digit down to their penny? If, roughly, our penny/cent is equivalent to their yen,

I’ll grant you that gauging the demand for a semi-new product can be tricky, so I don’t blame them for the initial shortage, but I DO blame them for not quickly ramping up to fill the clear gap between supply and demand AND for stopping production!

I’ll grant you the shortage for Switches isn’t as bad as the shortage for NES Classics. But just check the story history here for the Switch, probably half a dozen or more stories about lines, cancelled pre-orders, even famous developers who can’t get one.

I have to agree with WhiskeySnob. I think there’s a line between ‘cars’ and ‘junk’ and many (maybe most) of these cars appear to be junk. They don’t run, they’re unlicensed, the lot is overgrown, they’re not on display, and people are buying parts out of them. It’s a junk yard.

Ok Reggie, put your money where your mouth is. If you don’t want scalping, pay what it takes to produce enough units to collapse that speculation market. You know, like the opposite of what you did with the NES Classic and the Switch and...

Hi Jason,

I feel like I might agree it was the government’s fault, that this is a classic example of what happens when you de-regulate too much, but before I could agree I’d have to know what kind of warning (if any) the home buyers were given. It sounds like you’re saying these post-80s homes were built in flood-prone areas.

I can’t help but look at all that abandoned property and wonder if/how the previous owners were compensated. Did the power company/their insurer have to replace everyone’s vehicles, property, and housing? I mean, look at all those vehicles!

Now playing

Yeah. Shouldn’t snipe at his brother. Noel’s version sounds pretty good!

Sadly, the kinja gods are unkind and my attempt to post an image of Silent Sam failed.

A few notes of import. Durham is ~40% white, ~40% black, and ~20% other. The city, which fills almost the entirety of the county, has a black mayor, a black vice mayor (pro tem), and was once heralded as being the home of the Black Wall Street for having a significant black-owned business and financial base. Many

How easy are they to clean? One of the things I’d love to make easier is the ability to get under these keys and clean them up.

I see your point, but then again, what games aren’t almost perpetually in Early Access these days. And by Early Access, I mean in an unfinished state. Many would consider Destiny to still be in Early Access, by that measure. Destiny 1 was just a super expensive beta for Destiny 2, which will likely continue in an