So, it’s a $360 portable Zelda player, or a $500 Zelda-playing console.
So, it’s a $360 portable Zelda player, or a $500 Zelda-playing console.
Not impressed.
I know you’re joking, but I’m amazed some aren’t. Seems like we should just be able to take a handful of the doubters to an observatory and have them look through one of the giant telescopes and see the flag we planted, next to the base of the lander that was left behind. I mean, how else would that stuff have gotten…
So, in that last question, 68% are saying ‘good games’. Which, duh. But yet ensuring a steady supply of good games (“steady” and “good” being terms relative to the other consoles), is something Nintendo has been pretty terrible at, usually because of the same decisions they’ve repeated with the Switch: unusual control…
Why did they ditch the counter from Awakenings? In that game, archers can’t attack NOR counter-attack a melee adversary.
I wonder if he was just so focused on her tits and cleavage and all the other visual attractions that THAT’s what his attention was on, which took his attention away from her singing, and thus in his recollection, he remembered a hot girl in crazy clothes with lots of background dancers and stage props more than her…
Another point to consider. A lot of the pushback is from indies who say they can’t afford the refundable entrance fee. I sense a bit of entitlement here. Steam isn’t the only storefront, nor the only way to sell a game. And not every indie dev (or, to be fair, any dev regardless of resources) makes a game good enough…
how about instead leaving and starting new studios, some of these wealthy smartypants start a union and create a developer-owned publisher. Flip the model, and have the support (publishers) work for the content creators (developers) instead!
Cleaning out the backlog, and going back to an old favorite. Recently completed XCOM 2 and Homeworld 3. Tried to complete Tales of Zesteria but it feels too much like a kid’s game, it just doesn’t resonate with me, so I gave up on that one. Restarted Banner Saga 1 and am making good headway.
Hi Jason,
YAY! Welcome back, Leo. Good to see you again. And such a nice piece to come back with. Good form :)
Hi Jason,
I wonder who this is for. How many of you are still playing this game?
I think if you read this article you’ll understand their position better:
A note on that Roman reference. The Roman Empire was led by an emperor, who was an unelected dictator for life. The Roman Empire was preceded by the Roman Republic, which had 3 branches of government, including a bicameral legislature, just like ours.
Have they done anything with the infiltration mechanic?
No, they don’t all need to be the same. And I hear you about the poor quality of many console games. I’m a PC gamer primarily, and it’s a lot better when you have modders who can often fix some issues at least, so we’re not 100% beholden to the pubs to fix stuff. But if you lack 3rd party support, I think the chance…
Right, and that’s kinda my point. They’re repeating mistakes they’ve made several times over with a new system they’re rolling out so soon due to the poor performance of their previous systems that died because of the same decisions they’re making now...
Ah, Origins. Also known as ‘The Best One’.