
Well, okay, I see the advantage there. But I’m still skeptical that, even if they now only have to develop games for 1 system instead of 2, that Nintendo, basically by itself again (due to the lack of big 3rd party support) will be able to provide a steady-enough flow of good games to stay competative.

I just don’t understand. How can they repeat the same decisions they made with the WiiU and think this will work any better?

Right there with you. In my late 30s, not a millennial, have also hated the incredibly slow pace and pettiness that breaks out at the end of every basketball game I’ve ever seen. It’s not a new phenomena. Maybe the new crowd is less tolerant of this stupid process than older fans, but it’s wrong on the face of it and

This is definitely a wait-and-see situation for me. Like any piece of gaming hardware, it will be the games that determines its value. Since it’s launch offerings don’t seem that great at all (basically, just Zelda?), I’ll wait to see how strong the flow of high-quality, visually-impressive, interesting, deep games

Do you think if it was on Steam and not just Origin that the PC community would be more into it?

I’m in the same boat. Got caught up in one incredibly long, branching main quest, something involving a bath house, and I just got lost. The music is so depressing, the state of the world is so depressing... I couldn’t remember why I was playing.

There was something of a common thread in this conversation that centered around Tracer being the only lesbian character, or a concern that there was only one, or only one relationship. And a related concern that, if there’s only one, it feels cheap or pandering or tokenism or...

Yes, it had nothing to do with the poor internet connectivity/multiplayer, nor the fact it looked like an elementary school kid’s toy, nor the fact that it did require additional 3rd party dev investment to get the major multi-platform games to work on it. I mean, the Final Fantasy and Metal Gear of that generation

Too many gimics. It’s the gimics that push 3rd party publishers (who seem to make the vaaaast majority of games each year) away.

I’m so jealous. Every time I try to upload a pic, all I see is a white and grey mountain placeholder and an endless loading bar. No matter how I try (paste the image, upload, paste the link, etc.) it never works anymore.

Hi Cecilia,

Another boon to Putin, who no longer has to worry that much about MAD.

The next ‘shop contest

Also, consider these for new bumper stickers:

I see what you’re saying. I think you’re right about how many of those that voted for Trump see themselves as victims. Some are, some aren’t. And of those that are, some have correctly identified the cause and others have misidentified it.

The people who needed to stand up were all those who didn’t vote for Hillary. I’m not a fan of hers, but I’m wise and pragmatic enough to know that a vote for Hillary was the only thing we could all do on election day to prevent what’s coming.

I know I definitely wait for certain games, this being one of them. Fallout and Civilization have fallen into this category, now, too. Sad.

My hunch is it’s mostly just business, or maybe even more simply, the desire to be popular, combined with the scarcity of talent and financial resources.

Whenever I look at this game, I feel I need to get my eyes checked. Everything looks so blurry. It looks like there are 3 different designs going on here: the background, Trico, and the boy, each with their own shaders, resolutions, shadow settings, something... It’s worst when I look at the boy, like my vision is

Ultimate General - Civil War. Darth’s game is pretty fun!