
I like it so far. There are A LOT of new mechanics on the strategic layer, but the tactical (battle) layer is mostly the same. The main difference there is that, because of the conealment, your should be able to wipe the first enemy pod you bump into out before they even get into the cover.

Did they improve the animations and and character models? I remember KSing the first one, started playing it, and every character looked like a really blurry, poorly-detailed, semi-hunchback. But from this video, the characters seem much more detailed and seem to be standing upright (when they’re not crouching in

I’m not saying she’s ugly. I’m saying 2013 Lara was more attractive. And also that the two look nothing like each other, which I think is weird. And that I wish Crystal Dynamics would stop screwing around with the face design. There was the original, then the ‘definitive’ version, and now this. 3 completely different

I agree. I was referring to Lara’s face. She looks like a completely different person.

I spent a few minutes reading the RPS interview from a year ago.

Hi Patrick. I liked the video. On the topic of piracy, I don’t think anyone has a right to get things like games (a luxury) for free.

Well, I hear what you’re saying. Though, your same objection against applying a personal opinion universally also applies to your definition of what “visual downgrade” means.

Here’s hoping for an Obsidian-esque DLC (with Nixxes or Xseed-quality QA) that restores much of the cut content and/or adds a lot more, so that Fallout 4 isn’t just a shooter with craft elements.

not hysterical at all. Visual downgrade, as in, it looks worse than it used to. Again, not the tech, not the textures and lighting and color palette, etc. but her face (eyes and eyebrows, cheeks and cheekbones, jaw and chin)? Definitely less attractive. I’m hoping someone does a headswap. TR bone structure, eyebrows,

Overall graphics, sure. Lighting, sure. Textures, sure. Lara’s face, no way. Her hair, no way.

Sadly, no matter what GPU you use, you can’t get around this terrible visual downgrade; from this...

Please don’t shoot me, but I’m hoping for fewer companions this time. I never finished Awakening because, on the battle side, I felt the fights just got too crowded. Fielding over a dozen real individuals (not cookie cutter infantry, archers, etc.) with relationships to foster and complimentary special

Right! There’s nothing wrong with looting per se, but if it becomes the main focus and main motivation, that’s when I see it as a problem (at least for me, because that’s not fun enough by itself).

So what you’re saying is, the hardcore players have caught up to everyone else.

“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want...”

Hi Tyler! Just trying to clear something up. Isn’t it true that, usually, when a plane has an “F” before the number, it indicates it’s a ‘fighter’, vs B for bomber. Was the F-117 really a ‘fighter’? Could it dogfight? Did it ever carry air-to-air missiles externally? I thought it just had that one internal bomb bay.

So, people want a rare thing, because it’s rare. But they’re upset that it’s rare, because it’s hard to get. So they asked that the rare thing be made less rare so that they could get the rare thing. Now the rare thing is common, so common in fact that there’s a glut on the market and they’re not worth much anymore.

Richard, please help. You got my finger hovering over the ‘buy it’ button over at JAST USA, but then I remembered that I don’t enjoy feeling sad. See, I saw the S;G anime, and I remember the second half of it being like The Meloncholoy of Haru Haruharu or whatever, where they spent like 10 episodes repeating the same

I’m for anything that makes Fallout 4 more than just a kinda old looking shooter. I keep trying to find something to care about in that game, and failing. None of the characters are really compelling, and your interactions with them are so shallow.

I’m having fun with it, but I do have a few gripes: