
A funny thought just occurred to me. I wonder if, had they the kind of knowledge and technology we have now, that the way the West feels about the spread of Islamic radicals is the way folks in the Middle East would have felt during the times of the Crusade.

the more I watch these, the more I notice a pattern. So many of the moves are based on displays of poses, and most of the movement is simply the necessary transitions from one pose to another. The most expressive parts of the movements are in the hands and arms, probably followed by head angles. It’s really like a

if you already have an X1, then yeah, there’s little reason to get a PS4. If you don’t have either, I think PS4 is the superior one. Part of that is just cause the hardware is more powerful, and the other part is totally subjective (I tend to like Sony’s exclusives more than Microsoft’s). I’m primarily a PC games, but

That’s a very kind offer, Jason. I’ve got my hands full this weekend but will try to get in touch one or both of those ways on Monday.

Me too!

Okay, I’ve added it to my Steam wishlist. I won’t buy it yet because $30 is too much to ask for an Early Access game, as those are real gambles. I know there’s currently a sale and it’s ~$20, but even that’s too high for me.

Winged helmets >>>> horned helmets.

The class-specific Paladin quest I had in Westfall was one of the most immersive experiences I had playing WoW. I think it was the first and maybe the only time when I felt like I imagine someone of that class would feel. This is, what 10-12 years now since I did that and I still remember it. I remember practically

Exaggerations? Who hopes for exaggerations? I want facts, good sir. I want to hear about:

Destiny is Dragon Age 2 as a shooter.

Wait wait wait. I know what a hit box is. But the box is always bigger than the model it encapsulates, at least from diagonal angles, right? So, if anything, using boxes instead of more complex shapes that better hugged the model would make it EASIER to hit someone, since you see a round head but the program see a

Not sure if it will help, but I had the freezing in the UI problem (so, when looking at your inventory, alchemy, etc.

There’s something almost Team America about the camera (angle, focus?) and the way the characters move.

SO true, by a mile. I was hooked back in DA2. She’s my type in looks, badassery, personality, everything.

I wonder about the garrisons. Think about it. At this point, what would keep people hooked?

Wait, hang on. I was under the impression that no one had heard from this guy in months. Was that true or did I miss something? If it was true, THIS is how he decides to return!? What a funny guy! :-)

QUOTE | “Console desperately needs re-invention in terms of some of the game mechanics... there’s not enough innovation.” - Unity CEO (and former CEO of EA) John Riccitiello, talking about the general lack of innovation in gaming

The idea’s not without merit, but they definitely chose the wrong game/community to mess with. Paying modders to make mods makes much more sense when you talk about a game where this is no modding. The money acts as an incentive to start modding, which almost always makes games better, generates a dedicated

Then you, my friend, are looking for this...

Dark hair and bright blue eyes...I just keep seeing Korra!