
This is so awesome. I think women who can kick ass are the sexiest kind of women. If the Witcher games had a Femalt option, I would be more interested. Nothing wrong with Geralt per se, but I mean, come on, that main pic...

You know, charging for mods and paying modders isn’t a bad idea when there’s little to no modding scene at all. In that situation, you’re trying to grow something and you’re using the enticement of money to encourage more participation. Which is the complete opposite situation in the Bethesda games community, where

I think this is the 3rd one of these I’ve seen where you really don’t get to see much gameplay at all in the first 5 minutes. Could you all perhaps consider extending it to 7 or 10 minutes? Because the gameplay is really the most important bit, not opening cinematic and such.

Please folks don’t buy season passes. I’ll grant you this one is better than most in that they’ve actually outlined what they plan to produce, but buying a season pass means you’re giving a company your money before you know what you’ll get for it. Even if the ideas sound good, that’s only half the pie. No one knows

I got a little tired of this when combat became somewhat repetitive and the story seemed to slacken. I’m where I just got the castle and just arrived at the main city. A few things that bugged me were the UI (makes it really hard to figure out what’s going on with special actions like Minstrel’s songs, and the TONS of

Hi Brian! Thanks for posting these. Please keep it up. And just my preference, but the less photoshopped the better! Japan seems so naturally beautiful, all editing does is mess it up :-)

Well, like with most markets, you have 2 pressures that are driving compensation.

That was great. Did you see the Game of Thrones parody clip at the end?

Look, I’m all for compensating modders for the great stuff they make. I also saw the potential for giving pubs a financial reason to make it easier to mod in this plan. So, if those really were the goals, they were good ones. But man, the implementation sucked. You could fix this with 2 simple rules:

OOO, what’s the one at 1:20 that looks like a Robotech Alpha fighter but also transforms into a tank?

The land-based version of the F-35!

So, at what point do the shareholders revolt, stage a coup of the current management group, rescue Kojima from the cellar, and install him as the official head of Konami?

Coming in 2020 for the Olympics!

on the left side, there are 4 portraits, and at the top of each oval is the level. The guy being PLed is the top portrait, his already level 70 buddies who do all the work are below that pic.

Finally getting into this. Just started last night with Persona 4 The Animation as Richard suggested, and I already see the appeal of Chie. Still waiting for this girl to be introduced. She also seems like my type.

BOOOO Gergo, that’s another deceptive headline. He didn’t DO anything besides join a PL group and hide while everyone else did the work. He was in a group with 3 70s and he was just leaching.

I hope Valve institutes a rule that say ‘Pubs only get a cut if they freely distribute mod tools.’. Skyrim is one thing, because Bethesda released the GECK. But there’s no way companies like EA should see a dime if they continue to do all they can to thwart modding.

Here are other problems and worrying questions:

This shit is really pissing me off. Fuck you, Valve. You’ve thrown explosives into one of the best things PC games had going for them. This is ruining a community of people who used to freely share their love and knowledge with each other so that we had a whole that was greater than the sum of its parts, and now this

I was watching a review of Mass Effect yesterday and got really irritated by how many times the reviewer mentioned significant problems with the game...that were addressed with DLC. How he paid like $270 for the ‘complete’ version of the ME games and got a better story for it that those who just paid $180 (or less)