
It amazes me all the smart and talented people Trump has jettisoned, and yet that skeevy Stephen Miller continues to lurk around. 

You took a long time to type out “We should be tolerant of others stupidity, even if it costs innocents their lives. 

Post your real name, address, phone number and credit card info in your response. You will find out. 

Once again, if you don’t think it is a big deal, post your name, address, phone number and credit card info right here, right now. 

If you don’t get it then post your real name, address, phone number, and credit card info.  

Actors have a Union. Athletes have a union. Athletic Actors? Nah. 

The joke is that it is EPIC STORE EXCLUSIVE!

Or it is very clever, insuring he has this bogeyman to beat on until the day he keels over. 

She could be the Night Mother. 

My friend Maven....you know Maven don’t you?

If there isn’t enough money, she should sell one of her TEN YACHTS.

It is easy to believe because the person who decides to file indictments is the Attorney General, and the Attorney General is a noted Republican bootlicker.

He is rich and the laws do not apply to them. They can be cannibals or child rapists, or child raping cannibals. When you are rich enough, every day is like living in THE ROAD.

Her family owns 10 yachts. TEN. FUCKING. YACHTS. 

Reminds me of the Nightmare New Zealand Tourists.

So right before the 2:00 warning, whatever offense that has the ball should run a hail mary play, make a bunch of contact , and the coach should throw the flag. You risk losing a couple of seconds and a down, but could gain 65-99 yards. 

It is 10 Boats. Her family owns 10 fucking yachts. 

Don’t forget - DeVos is a BILLIONAIRE who owns (at least) 6 Yachts.

I first learned about gaslighting from one of Drew’s articles.