
Here is what I do — I do NOT rely on a fake businessperson with a fake tan, fake hair, fake fortune, fake marriage, and fake faith — who has admitted to running a fake university and then won a fake election to determine what is real and what is not.

Mueller got Sammy the Bull to flip on a John Gotti. So yeah - Cohen is gonna flip. And since Cohen’s case is being managed by the Southern District of New York, a Presidential pardon can’t help him.   

If he dies...he dies.


Trump has only one play — but that play is not only committing another crime — it is a tacit admission of guilt.

Trump only has one card to play, but playing it is an admission of guilt. He is caught between trying to save his ass, and essentially admitting to the world and himself that he is a total fraud.

Letting him be a heel would make up for that. He would be a bitchin bad guy.

There seems to be this idea that because owning a gun is a right, it does not require any responsibility. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Cleveland Blew a 3-1 Lead!

You would think so, but he was referring to former Cleveland first baseman Hal Trosky.

When Republicans are sending their people to Congress, they aren’t sending their best. They are sending Nazis, they are sending pederasts, they are sending convicts, they are sending traitors. And some of them, I assume, are good people.

Stupid Watergate indeed.

I am. I fucking hate Donald Trump and the GOP shitpile from which he emerged.

If Trump is the kind of guy to give his enemies ammunition, maybe he is not the best person to be in charge of the military.

Some nuggets just won’t flush. They just keep floating there, as you stare in disbelief.

You did it! This is a good blog post.

This seems totally in line with other reporting:

You THINK it is great, but for every Donald Trump, there is a Donald Trump Jr.

Shane and Vince McMahon DID once team up to take on Shawn Michaels and God.