The real story here is that 80,000 people regularly attended Lions games.
The real story here is that 80,000 people regularly attended Lions games.
My guess is Aubrey Plaza, because this seems like a very Aubrey Plaza thing to do.
If Trump cops to it, then he is confessing to trying to cover up a crime. That is one MORE count of obstruction of justice. His lawyer could be disbarred and he could be impeached.
Just in case you were thinking George W. Bush wasn’t that bad — he and Dick Cheney gave this idiot a forum.
Invisible — just like his clothes!
When it comes to dying, I hope Bob never gets moved to the front row.
Thanks, you really elevated the conversation!
Remember when the conservative Supreme Court destroyed the Voting Rights Act because racism didn’t exist anymore?
“You can’t have a Lemon party without old Dick!”
I expect this will be a piece of Thanos goes to pop the last Inifinity Gem into the Gauntlet, an arrow flies by and knocks it out of his hand. The universe is saved thanks to Hawkeye.
Game - Blouses!
That’s the thing ...he is up there with Petty and Jeff Lynne and blowing them off the goddamn planet.
If this baseball thing doesn’t work out, he has a future in the Trump administration.
Everybody listen to this guy! America should kowtow in fear to a Bond villain!
I put that I am an Emerald Cup champion on my resume.
She’s tough. She once was considering a run for Senator in Louisiana against David “I wear diapers while prostitutes spank me” Vitter. Someone put a car bomb on her campaign managers car. From what I have seen, Trump did something worse than stick his dick in crazy — he stuck his dick in cagey.
Because whatever info Stormy has is valuable — keep in mind it warranted a six figure payout — therefore that information constitutes a contribution to his campaign.
They DO address comparisons to Clinton in the podcast...and why Trump has done is much much worse. For example - Clinton never paid Lewinsky for her silence. This is bad for Cohen because he aided in the cover up of a crime (adultery) which means he can be disbarred. It is also a state level crime - which means Trump…
They should protest like respectable white people and stage an armed takeover of a federal installation.