
Well, adultery is still a crime in the state of New York. He could be disbarred for attempting to cover up a crime.

Yeah. And Trump has NEVER done ANYTHING unseemly for financial gain.

It IS confusing. That is why every person has the right to petition the court for clarification. That is all Stormy is doing. However, in so doing, she is forcing Trump to either admit or deny that he is David Dennison. If he denies it, she gets to release any materials or info she has without repercussions — so she

Well, if he admits it, he then breaks the confidentiality agreement he has with Stormy, and if she has any ‘materials’ or ‘info’ (like pictures of him, or if she had his abortion) she may then release that info because the agreement is void. Also, he would be admitting to paying a porn star hush money days before an

Here is a great podcast detailing why Trump is in deep shit when it comes to this:

Here come the Berniebros again...the only people happier to carry Putin’s water than Trump.

After consuming the burrito, Did DDL drink someone’s milkshake?

No wonder Trump liked her. She’s got huge tracts of land.

If football players want to protest they should do what responsible people do— stage an armed takeover of federal property.

The Rs have found their next Senate candidate!

Say what you want, I could never have beaten Magic Johnson or Yao Ming in NBA Jam without him.

If convicted he won’t be able to own that gun anymore.

This is why I love watching the British parliament — the House of Lords can spend time dunking on the Prime Minister who then gets a chance to respond.

Marco Rubio “I am not an asshole because I take money, they give me money because I am an asshole.”

All while cutting budgets for schools and funneling our money up to the top 1%!

These people will believe any conspiracy theory except the most obvious one: they are suckers being manipulated for profit.

Is this big enough to live in? Because that is a rent payment.

Is this big enough to live in? Because that is a rent payment.

I want someone to treat Trump like Trump treats Romney.

It does NOT give you license to shoot them—by murdering another human being you surrender your own humanity. No one should surrender their humanity!