Same woman who made a white power salute at the Republican National Convention.
Same woman who made a white power salute at the Republican National Convention.
He is making sense because he is not on the take.
You must be right since this is the only country in which this regularly occurs.
Even Sierra games you could press F5 and save wherever.
I know Dems like to shoot their own, but she still took money from Trump.
That’s a lot of money for a guy who tips his pitches.
Give him credit! At least he was walking away from the Colts before it was cool.
Chico Walker
No one is asking you to agree that homosexuality is great. In fact, it is totally fine if it is not your thing. I think that they are asking to live and let live. The problem is there are a lot of folks like our VP who are not only uncomfortable with homosexuality, they are uncomfortable letting people live their own…
I thought this minorities in the Olympics thing was settled in Berlin in 1936.
It was very rewarding when I kicked the Scarecrow’s ass on the second map after he kicked mine 10x in a so many games your character is built up to have unbeatable advantages over your DOS2 no matter how powerful you make your character this is never the case.
See Fox, John
What blows my mind is that as soon as you stop being useful to Trump he throws you overboard and drives to your house to fuck your wife. But Republicans are sticking with him and buying this “loyalty” shit even though Trump is now a political anchor. He stopped Hillary from becoming President and he signed the tax…
The problem with this is that is coming from a guy who wants you to believe his believe his tan is real, his hair is real, his erections are real, his marriage is real, his billions of dollars are real, his intelligence is real, his loyalty to the America is real, and his university was real.
In a bout of poetic irony, I hope Mueller drops his findings 10 days before the midterms.
If you have facts on your side, argue the facts. If you have the law on the side argue the law. If you have neither pound on the table and scream Benghazi.
Amazing. Every word of you just said is wrong.
-Each team gets to choose one player from the opposing team who must play with a ridiculously oversized helmet.
Here is a history of the people who have held the WWE Championship:
Roman Reigns will be beating an entire team by himself by week 8.