
Well, she just did more to advance Trumps agenda than even Donald himself. Now the GOP just needs to find Dem senators in states with Republican govs, pay some floozies to make up some allegations, and start collecting Democratic scalps, because the Democrat MUST resign, whereas Repubs are fine circling the wagns

But Kirsten Gillebrand gets to gloat....

Kristen Gillebrand can’t score political points bagging on them.

Kristen Gillebrand worked harder to collect a Democratic scalp than she did any Republicans. This absence of teamwork is why Democrats continue to lose elections they could win.

Hogan already blew the roof off after his 24 inch pythons bodyslammed a 600 pound giant, brother!

How are the going to see him in court?

He is doing exactly what Russia is paying him to do - erode confidence in the United States.

As your own sister site has noted — Money is just paper.

Hopefully, John Fox will be available VERY soon.

Good Old Rocky Top...

Bingo. In the rush for purity, it is very easy to weaponize the #MeToo movement. Let’s take this on a case by case basis.

They can’t fondle your breasts, but thanks to your positioning on this, they can stick a wand in your vagina. Or take away your right to manage your reproductive decisions. Or pass a myriad of laws to take away any type of control of your body.


Would you kindly choose Andrew Ryan?

“Everyone deserves the presumption of innocence .. except that bitch Hillary Clinton!” 

People who make such ostentatious moral displays are usually the ones doing the most depraved shit.

That’s the other thing...how long is this Clinton excuse good for? Especially since they hold no public office?

At the same time, this is something that drums up fake headlines about Democratic “scandals” that will compete with headlines about Russia. It is the ultimate example of WHATTABOUTISM.

This is NOT just about the Clintons. It is about putting Mueller under investigation as well, to discredit him.