These incidents absolutely mentally destroyed Sting, who went from being an outgoing brightly colored friendly superhero to a deranged goth loner who lived in the rafters and bashed his opponents with a baseball bat.
These incidents absolutely mentally destroyed Sting, who went from being an outgoing brightly colored friendly superhero to a deranged goth loner who lived in the rafters and bashed his opponents with a baseball bat.
Is this Apolobragging or Gloatagizing?
Came here to post the same thing. No trace of the word ‘IF’ anywhere, which has no place in a legitimate apology.
That’s the dude in Philadelphia who put a gun in his mouth, right?
I can’t believe that Senate Republicans would allow him to be seated. It would totally annihilate their brand going into an election year. They were facing electoral destruction before this, allowing this man to associate with your party would be apocalyptic.
I’ll steal the best comment off the reddit thread: “They knew he wasn’t the real Joel because he wasn’t asking anyone for money.”
There are those that argue it is wrong to punch nazis. I agree that punching people - actual human beings - is wrong. But if you march around in public espousing a morally bankrupt philosophy that calls for violent genocide, you have surrendered your humanity. So let the punching commence!
Well, I guess I am technically incorrect, which is the best form of incorrect.
Well, what is this F=ma shit then? My physics teacher said he would revoke my diploma if I forgot it.
To be honest, I suck a physics equations and left out the ^2 in the m/s^2. This is probably why my physics teachers pictured blasting me with a cannon.
I thought F=ma. I gave you the mass and acceleration.
All of my previous Physics teachers would follow this up by putting a question on the next quiz like “A fed up physics teacher decides to fire a cannon at Powersurgeon. If the mass of the cannonball if 15 kg, and it leaves the cannon at 1500 m/s, with how much force will the cannonball strike?”
The Flying V!
Football Players Never Give Back to their community.
Because Sinatra is his dad
Just like Mark Cuban said:
You know Mueller is just sitting back — waiting for Trump to make a play and activate Mueller’s trap Card. Then TRUMP will get sent to the shadow realm.
I thought Obamacare put this guy out of business.
I am calling the bluff of the wealthy and powerful. They are doing a very poor job, and I want them to leave and never come back. Maybe the rich and powerful people who take their place will do a better job.