Fuck these refs. Fuck the NFL.
Fuck these refs. Fuck the NFL.
“I saw that show 60 Minutes was only on for 1 hour. SAD!” - Donald Trump.
On Monday Trump will publish the same photo of Moore and Jared and say “Here is a picture of Michael Moore smiling happily with an indicted traitor. SAD!”
You have to respect the USA, which was founded by people who no longer wanted to stand for “God Save the King”
Dude, it doesn’t matter. Even if there were rock solid incontrovertible evidence including a video, eyewitness corroboration, and a signed confession - when presented with such evidence they would just move the goalposts and say “Well, the president felt that they were liars, so his previous statement was correct.”
Here’s the way to solve the problem : Remove the National Anthem - which is just a marketing gimmick for Armed Forces recruitment - from the beginning of the game. Replace it with the SONG OF GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.
He takes something out of his pocket and distributes it to his players? Sunflower seeds? Gummy bears? Something more sinister?
Billy Martin?
Best World Series game since Game 7 last year.
His arched eyebrow leads me to believe he hit Niko with the peoples elbow.
Spoiler Alert- No one on the Dodgers will be on the World Series roster.
I would think shark attacks would be more common during a JETS game.
To ZEKE Owners - Pick up McFadden in Fantasy Football!
Give it a few years and all will be forgiven. Just ask Mel Gibson.
Or...just kneel at another point in the game. Like on a touchback or a touchdown. Then keep kneeling. Kneel until they yell at you to get up, then keep kneeling some more. After the anthem, they won’t be able to say it is about the flag anymore.
Just take a knee at another time. Like on a touchback. Then just keep fucking kneeling. It won’t be about the flag at all then.
What’s the big deal? We all know his QB doesn’t care.
Yup. He had a fundraising event out in California.
The Strike year?
I believe Pillman complimented Bret Hart. Stone Cold didn’t like that, and he was mean as a cuss, so he broke Pillman’s ankle by putting it in a folding chair and stomping on it. Pillman did not like having his ankle broken, and it escalated from there.