Nope. Just Ryan Pace. If Trubisky works out ok, it will be the first first-round pick of his that wasn’t a bust.
Nope. Just Ryan Pace. If Trubisky works out ok, it will be the first first-round pick of his that wasn’t a bust.
DAMMIT! There goes the Bears season!
I was responding to OPs pearl clutching comments about how offensive this hit was. I don’t see comments poo-pooing the violence of someone getting knocked out in boxing. Check it out for yourself:
I feel no pity nor remorse. Cardinals ground the Cubs face in their success for years and years. Enjoy your nachos.
I am not saying this to sound glib, but I don’t see how it is any different than a boxer hitting a guy on the chin and putting his lights out. That being said, it shouldn’t have happened in a football game.
Bears fan. I will totally support him if as part of the settlement they are forced to play Trubisky.
The NL Central is NACHO Division anymore, Cardinals fans!
So instead of some athlete, a traitorous orange upjumped Game Show host is the spokesman? Sorry.
The Bears did everything in their power to not win that game. Luckily for Chicago, Pittsburgh is a gracious road team and worked extra hard to let them win.
Doesn’t the fact that they are jeopardizing their livelihoods make their act courageous, and therefore worthy of a tiny amount of respect?
...Or maybe, just maybe, people don’t want to associate with racist assholes?
If your idea of people fleeing football for other entertainment options, I am assuming that would include options like NASCAR where there is no protest. So why are fewer and fewer people watching NASCAR and attending races?
Yeah. These guys are totally insulated by their money. There is no way a famous NFL PLAYER would ever be the target of unwarranted police brutality!
The TROOPS (Army / Navy / Air Force) can’t even win college football games.
He won a popularity contest against Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton. Whoop-de-friggin-do! /s
He has to be fighting someone all the time. If he is not not fighting with someone, then he can’t possibly be “winning” anything.
In the words of Mean Gene: Longfellow couldn’t have said it any better.
It is about a director, who after becoming limber enough to suck his own dick for the past 3 films, throws caution to the wind and decides to stick his head up his own ass. He succeeds!
Jannetty #WAS# trying to escape through the Barbershop window.