Windier E. Megatons

What must it be like to be THAT entitled? Like, if you’re under 30, you will barely have any memories of that (comparatively) sizable wilderness period from 1982 to 1995, a period when the Yankees actually lost 90 games a couple times - 1990 was the worst season (95 losses) since 1912 - but what percentage of the

Mourinho for Liverpool! *dies*

The longest-tenured manager in the EPL besides Arsene Wenger is now... Bournemouth’s Eddie Howe, who just needs to last another eight days to reach three years in charge of the club.

I hope that intern’s name was Charlie, just for the added irony.

I hate spiders more than anything, and I once looked down to see one on my shoulder after playing guitar in the basement, slapped my shoulder repeatedly, pulled my shirt off, and ran upstairs (and pretty much stopped playing guitar after that). But I think the worst was once when I was in the bathroom and looked down

Richards deserves at least double her yearly salary just for having to put up with those clowns in the House.

I mean, he did suggest he was going to retaliate. But I really doubt the Rondon HBP was intentional - you don't get two strikes on some nobody with your closer and then hit the guy, especially with the benches already having been warned.

To be fair, I can’t think of anyone more qualified to speak on success inhibiting self-awareness than Jason Whitlock.

Someone please remind me why we need to hear anything Bristol Palin thinks about anything.

I didn’t even know you could do that in college sports.

Just wanna say that if Newcastle win on Monday, Chelsea will drop into the relegation places. Outstanding.

Jet fuel can’t burn hot enough to melt diamonds. A diamond is forever!

The BBC pundits had been saying for months that they didn’t know why United didn’t go to De Gea and say, “Sign a long-term deal, stick around for this next year, and then we’ll let you go to Madrid.” That seems to be exactly what happened here.

“Vogon poetry is of course the third worst in the Universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their Poet Master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem ‘Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning’ four of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging,

I’m not going to be IGNORED, Dan! I mean Jimmy!

I mean, as a City fan I’m loving it, but there is a long, long way to go. It’s hard right now to envision Chelsea - or Arsenal, or United - turning into the near-invincibles they’d have to be to close the gap, but you can hardly rule it out entirely. Chelsea’s much easier CL group doesn’t hurt either.

Amazing that even when dodging the total giants they’ve always been stuck with before now, City STILL manage to end up in the hardest group - the only one with the top four leagues represented, too. It does make travel easier but I’d rather have to play in Tel Aviv or Astana over having the WORST team in the group

I feel bad for the gay couples who have to deal with this awful woman. But then I feel pretty bad for gay couples who have to live in rural Kentucky, just generally.

I wonder if this person read the story of the hiker who was mauled and partially devoured by a grizzly. Maybe that would change their tune a smidge...

I love that in the last replay angle you can see multiple fans flipping him off or similar after the goal. Keepin’ it classy, Leeds!