Windier E. Megatons

That was true for a long time, but in recent years the split seems to have gotten a lot more common - in the last five ceremonies, only *once* has the same movie won Best Picture and Best Director (Birdman in 2014-15). Before that it was the sort of thing that happened once or twice a decade, at least in my lifetime.

Legal jargon is so bad that the way Aaron Sorkin (of all people) demonstrates to the viewer that Daniel Kaffee is naive and overconfident at the beginning of A Few Good Men is by having him spout a bunch of jargon at opposing counsel until the guy just gives up and agrees to his plea bargain.



This guy should be... fired.

Rings a little hollow after his bullshit both-sides-ism from, what, two days ago?

I remember being obsessed with the “world’s tallest men ever” section of the Guinness Book of Records when I was a kid and one of the top few tallest men at the time had an asterisk where they mentioned that the height had to be measured from a sitting position because the guy’s ankles were too fucked up for him to

“And heeeere come the pretzels!”

Unless she means “raised to be indoctrinated by Republican political attitudes” in which case totally.

“If I Did It,” by OJ Simpson

I know I’m not myself before I’ve had my covfefe in the morning.

Before November I would have assumed that attacking a reporter the day before an election would be a guaranteed loss even for a Republican in a red state. Not so sure these days.

FFP working like a charm!

I don’t see the problem. That looks just like Derek Sanders, my mechanic.

I’m pretty stoked for 50 years of UNC/NCSU intersquad scrimmages all season long, personally.

Also one of the all-time botched high-fives.

You *would* have to be quite the sucker to be like, “Sure, I’ll happily bet big money on a round of golf against you, PHIL MICKELSON, ONE OF THE FIVE MOST SUCCESSFUL PRO GOLFERS OF THE LAST THREE DECADES.”

You *would* have to be quite the sucker to be like, “Sure, I’ll happily bet big money on a round of golf against you, PHIL MICKELSON, ONE OF THE FIVE MOST SUCCESSFUL PRO GOLFERS OF THE LAST THREE DECADES.”

I didn’t read the whole article (or, okay, any of it other than what was excerpted here) but for Lombardi’s sake I sure hope he doesn’t spend the entire time specifically picking on black QBs as this fisking implies. Because historically that is one highly successful way to end a career in sports journalism.

The person who wrote in sucks, but you also have to hang this pretty hard on the LPGA, who could just as easily have realized how insane it would have been to do what they did and ignored it.