So I'm thinking maybe Nadal's dominance on clay DOESN'T make him the greatest player of his generation, period? Hmm.
So I'm thinking maybe Nadal's dominance on clay DOESN'T make him the greatest player of his generation, period? Hmm.
Yeah, I don't really get this either. Honking your horn when your team wins is literally about the LEAST you can do as a fan. And, early Game Six exits aside, I don't think anyone is claiming that Miami doesn't get excited for a winner. It's how they won't show up for literally anything else (unless maybe it's the…
I'd say there's at least a QUESTION. Also, how can two contemporaries both be once-in-a-lifetime talents?
You know you're an asshole if you make me sympathize with a Yankees fan due to your horrific behavior to them.
You could at least make the argument that the difference is that Mohammed had at least been given some reason to shove James. Birdman instigated the contact with Hansbrough and then had the nerve to shove him as if he'd been wronged. Fuck that guy.
And only one of those three was actually a soda drinker. They were essentially doing a three-way comparison on sample groups of ONE. I know there are some fields where small sample sizes are acceptable, but... no.
Chandler? If Friends has taught us nothing else, it's that the female version of that name is Chanandler.
You just need to learn what words mean. You can't say "it was inexcusable" and then provide an excuse. And I have absolutely no dog in this fight, unlike your obviously biased ass, so get over yourself.
When you say "Hey it was terrible BUT HE WAS PROVOKED YOU HAVE TO MENTION HE WAS PROVOKED"... that's working to justify it. Take the blinders off.
Boy, the racists really came out in force in this comment section, didn't they?
Although they do have one other method of transportation: I once had a spider descend from the ceiling of my car pretty much directly towards my lap on a web strand, while I was driving. NOT COOL AT ALL.
If that Life & Style cover is real, then it's the fakest looking real cover in history. Looks like her head was pasted onto someone else's body.
Yeah, exactly. Sorry, Christians, but it's all or nothing on Leviticus. You can't discard passage after passage of stuff you do (or don't do) on a daily or weekly basis but then keep the "Well, the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination, so it is" stuff. And for what it's worth, apart from a single line in one…
Doesn't the map of Long Island that currently appears in their logo not actually have the two NYC boroughs in it? Like it cuts off at the western edge of Nassau County? That being the case, they should probably change SOMETHING, or it'll just be weird.
This is a reasonable point, I guess. It's really more of a shame that ESPN somehow felt they needed to give airtime to "the Christian viewpoint" or whatever. First of all, no one in this country is confused what "the Christian viewpoint" on homosexuality is. And second of all, not every story needs two sides. It's…
Look, I know Broussard is leaning on the Bible for his bigotry. It's still bigotry. And unless Broussard follows the entirety of Leviticus to the letter - which he doesn't, because no one does, because it's impossible - there's no reason he should get to claim that everyone else has to. "It's in the Bible" is the…
ESPN, taking the coward's way out. Not shocking. Unfortunately, there's still sufficient anti-gay sentiment in this country that you can get away with saying "Well, that's his opinion." Never mind that saying anything even remotely similar about an ethnic group or race would get you fired like THAT.
Haha, I knew exactly what that link was going to be. So great.
Uh, he's obviously dumb. Because the only way his tweets make sense is if he thinks homosexuality is a choice... which is dumb.
Come on, it's a virtual certainty that if ESPN gets the Collins exclusive, they make it a huge front page special. They didn't get it, so it's a tiny third headline on That's pretty damning. Look how much more coverage they gave to Griner, for instance.