Windier E. Megatons

Obviously the circumstances weren't ideal. But this is hardly the first time that a team has had to play a game with travel on the same day, and it's not like teams that do that are constantly being no-hit. In addition, while the Cubs do have a home-field advantage in fan volume at Miller, need I remind you people

It's widely acknowledged that Doubleday's supposed invention of baseball was a myth anyway.

You'd think, being in this city, they would have seen just how happy the Sun-Times was to see him out the door.

"Palin is the Mistress of Disaster." - Apollo Creed

Koyie Hill thinks Ronnie Lott is a pussy.

@GettinMyGooseOn: You mean like when the Cubs scored four runs (three earned) in six and two-thirds? Anything like that game?

I thought this story was actually going to be about how she got the seats by handling someone's stub.

Northwestern makes bowl games sometimes and Syracuse has been terrible for the better part of the last decade. "Upset?" What are you even talking about?

You see, back in the day, the nerdy white man would breed with the small-figured white woman, and create a race of tiny, nerdy white children who love fantasy sports.

But what if they win 21 of 22 like the Rockies did last year?

It's not Riley!

Does charging the first base coach count as "paying attention to the game?" I don't know.

Looks like I'm not voting.

I would bean Pierzynski in the head with the first pitch if my team were facing him. What a douche.

Meanwhile, the Cubs saw their "leading 1-0" headline and rushed to change it.

Also, the Cubs have won nine straight road games, not nine straight games. The former is more surprising, really.

@Colonel Wellemeyer: No, but they were both former Pirates. Simon was traded from Pittsburgh in a waiver deal in August of 2003 and played just 33 games in Chicago that year before heading back to Pitt in free agency. Ward, who did play with Simon on the 2004 Pirates, signed with the Cubs as a free agent before the

Link to speculation that was already confirmed as untrue two hours ago? Sold!

@Magnakai Haaskivi: Between Raj Bhavsar and Kevin Tan, I had dubbed the last US event in men's gymnastics last night Harold and Kumar Go To The Pommel Horse. Tan looked like he was stoned during his routine, too.

I love poetry, I just thought that was Willard Scott.