
Because it’s about black people suggesting things that could affect white people a little bit, so she feels compelled to virtue signal to her white supremacist fanbase. Also, I believe a lot of redhats are still triggered by the mere mention of Jemele Hill after the last time she tried to ruin their SPORTZ! with (the

Because they need to stoke the fires of the base against the “libtards” and their “whataboutisms”. Also, they are avoiding talking about Trump and his administration bungling of a lot of issues so as to curry favor with Trump and prop him up.   

“That’s like re-segregating the country, why would we want that? Besides of course the reasons Tucker Carlson and I lay out every night.”

I feel like judging people for enjoying pumpkin spice was amusing in 2013, and got kinda tired by 2015. I personally have embraced my basic fall being. Pumpkin spice reminds me of the fancy Barnes & Noble in the town I grew up in and browsing the music and movies section, and all the promise and possibilities I

Look. All I know is that after calling around to the Trader Joe’ses in my area, I have learned that the pumpkin pancake mix will be available on or near September 9th or 10th, and that I have an alert in my phone to remind me to call again on those dates, and that a few years ago I made the mistake of buying too many

Snoop Dogg has never steered me wrong in the past, so I’m team Martha for this one. 

So good luck, Gwyneth.

It would be great if they actually were “using their business mediums"-  if each had a psychic on staff to divine some revenge upon the other. 

The X6 is so hideous that this actually helps a lot.

Swift supports Equality Act = snide, bitchy comments

Dear Splinter, Jezebel, and Root writers and commenters:

Trump doesn’t support discrimination so he won’t take up a bill because it would prevent conservatives from discriminating? That is some Olympic level mental gymnastics.


Go fuck yourself. 

If you think bronze age goat herders are a good source of morality, you need to get a better source of morality.

Oh God what if Schreier has moved on from delaying games to ruining them so he can write those exposes. Damn you Jason Schreier, when will you stop?! 

Actually, Bungie split from Microsoft in 2007. Part of the deal was that they’d make two more Halo games (ODST and Reach) during the first few years of their independence.

Then 3 months after release we’re gonna get the 10,000 word Jason Schreier article on how this is the moment when the game was, more or less, started over from scratch.

A standard coffee cup is about 150ml, and the average ejaculation volume is 3ml, so you’d need 50 men to produce a cup of semen. If you hired “milkers” who could get each dude off in about 10 minutes, it would take a little over 8 hours to produce one beverage. If you’re paying them NYC minimum wage ($15) this works