So I should probably hold off on that friend request, huh?
With access to every single one of the facts, your judgement is sure to be spot on.
Just wanted to say this is really outstanding reporting. I love reading in-depth reports like this and hope we continue to see more in the future here. I know these types of articles are a lot more expensive, time-consuming, and probably not as well-read as some other content, but this is what I come to this site for.…
I believe I created a prototype of the solution when I was 12. You see, you get a long piece of track at the end of the tunnel, include a couple loops to slow the cars down a little, and then launch them off a sweet jump that sends them safely into your mom’s couch.
Hey, wow, what a surprise, Trump went on TV and said a bunch of demonstrably-false shit while wearing a facial expression that makes him look like he has to shit but can’t remember where the toilet is. Who could have ever seen that coming.
But don’t worry, we’re quickly at work to decide just how bad of a loss this was for Democrats via the progressive angle.
Frosty, the snowman
Sounds like a you problem, weirdo
Really hoping you are Cardi’s shoe that she walked out with, and not the one that was collected as evidence.
So, let me get my lightskint thoughts in order here. Barack is half black, and half white, yet is considered the first black president—and not one eyelash was batted. He chose to round up, as it were. As is his prerogative.
Shit happens.
They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.
“Guns aren’t the problem. Look at Chicago, where there are strict gun crimes!”
Thanks, I hate it.
Yeah, I’m trying to figure out why I’m not ok with this given there’s already a talking gorilla in the cast and a bunch of other silly things, but for whatever reason my gut reaction is “This is too stupid for me.”
I propose we have a new phrase for jumping the shark.
We nonetheless would argue that Ms. Huckabee, and Ms. Nielsen and Mr. Miller, too, should be allowed to eat dinner in peace.
technically its an incel phone
There’s that old Gawker feeling.