
She doesn’t work there anymore. She now works at a company that doesn’t (publicly) tolerate that BS. That’s why she apologized.

I’d gave gone with “Obummer,” but the real tip offs are the complete sentences and proper syntax.

1) The idea that a fake gradeschool note scrawled in crayon is equally ridiculous to a woman’s accusation of being assaulted is something only an idiot would argue.

As a fan of the Witcher games, there are plenty of non-white roles. Most of the monsters aren’t white, along with some of the human villains. As a white guy, I wasn’t super offended that the games were so white, but now that they’re hiring actual actors, I’m glad the protagonists won’t be lilly white all the way

sigh, yet another casting debate where its going to boil down to:

Seems neither mean-spirited nor useless to me. That DOES describe our country’s response to Puerto Rico this past year, however. But to your point - it IS something that needs to be said before the storm bears down on your. Because after, no one will want to hear it. See: Puerto Rico.

My personal favorite are Trekkies who complain about Trek “turning SJW”. Like, motherfucker, what did you think this show has been about for the last 50 years?

I don’t get that people cannot understand we all are humans. I agree with you, who cares what color someone is or their race or what ever. All that matter is the substance of a persons character and how they treat others and the world around them.

Yeah, she had seen some shit.

A continuation is automatically significantly more interesting to me than a reboot. So this is a good sign.

Or Kendra 2.0. 

Bryan Fuller was initially involved but stepped away? Shocking and completely unheard of.

This show has always felt like it’s coming from an “own voices” perspective, so I wasn’t surprised to hear this news. The hope and joy this show contains — the healthy ways it handles relationships — is really a beacon of light for me right now. 

Now playing

Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist underneath.  

Hell, Luke’s characterization was what I liked the most in TLJ.

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

Just....... just don’t use that word if you’re white. Don’t do it. Unless you’re in a movie and that’s what the script is making you do and there’s a reason for it (other than shitty writing/shock value)..... Don’t use it.

This can’t be that hard.

Maybe they should make a film about Sith Lords getting stuck in a shopping center on Coruscant. I personally would love to see Maulrats.

SPACE ethics!

He came out as bi last year, and is somewhat gender non conforming as well. He recently costarred in Love, Simon and I think he might just want to explore more serious roles or parts that allow him to portray his sexuality openly. He also recently released a single and might want to pursue music more. Seems more