
Well first thing I see wrong is they used a knockoff ps controller. I’m guessing most their parts were not the highest of quality.

who the fuck put this beautiful, heartbreaking romance in my zombie apocalypse show!

Elon wants to surround himself with yes men and other sycophants.

Genuine question: Even leaving aside that all I say is that there IS an evolution, not what it is, do you consider Nintendo/Game Freak to have spoiled the game when they announced Farigiraf a few weeks back?

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone
They paved a stupid moronic useless tunnel and put up a parking lot

Guy who couldn’t read either article is pretty sure people about whom he knows nothing are moneygrubbers.

I remain mystified by people who aren’t able to key into the humor of the series.

I thought this episode was hilarious. That “You don’t like Avongers? We’ve got Avingers” line is like peak Futurama quality. I remain mystified by people who aren’t able to key into the humor of the series. It’s more laugh out loud funny than a lot of sitcoms I’ve seen. It wouldn’t stand against anything truly great,

Of course he didn’t spit on him. Spitting on someone is sharing your precious gift of moisture, sacred to the Fremen culture.

as someone who is quite fond of Jesus worship and is not conservative, leave us out of your count, there are a lot of progressive Christians who want none of what conservatism is.

I still like the thinking of setting up a moon base to do the really serious Mars stuff. Setting up human-colony-level regular heavy payloads to Mars will probably require some kind of assembly outside of Earth's gravity well, and that kind of thing isn't exactly easy to do in orbit.

“a highly regarded expert in her field and no stranger to personal loss”

So many people pretending they care about the Inhumans right now. Guys, just say you hate the show because you’re racist. I’d actually have more respect for that position.

Counterpoint, this movie was wild and fun because Sam brought Evil Dead energy to what could have been a more generic slog.


Your input has been noted, nobel laureate in climate science Generic Internet Commenter.

Putting this here just in case...

Don’t forget shiny things.

I might have to check this out... I like the idea of Critical Role, but there’s just way too much content for me to properly get into it. I tried listening to the second campaign from the start while it was still going on, but I dropped it after 3 episodes because the episodes just took so long to get through and I