
Well... I felt the movie could’ve ended 20 minutes sooner than it did.

The first 15 minutes of the movie was so dark, you couldn’t even tell what was going on.

But yeah, it was a pretty okay Star Wars movie.

Which seems to be the article’s whole point. Movies need to take the time in the writing to allow for LGBTQ characters to be clearly shown as such, without making it blatant and disruptive to the story/film. Deadpool 2 showed this is easy to do, but far too many movies rely on audiences guessing about such things.

When we’re talking about queer representation in particular, yes, there is a need for things to be spelled out explicitly. Generally speaking, one’s queerness isn’t always something that can be picked up on visually in the same way that a person’s ethnicity or gender can.

Appropos of nothing: I can’t read your handle any other way than POWDEEEEEEEEERED TOOOOOOOOOAST MAAAAAN

Deadpool and Yukio watch videos of hamsters eating a teeny tiny little burritos together

The excited “Hi Wade!”’s and “Hi Yukio!”’s were probably my favorite running gag in the movie, which is funny because it was probably the most PG joke in the whole thing.

Hmm. It may have been a bit out of “flavor” for the film as a whole, but it could have worked. I’m reminded of Groundhog Day where similar scenarios still played technically for laughs, but only if you didn’t really think about the pain and loneliness Phil had suffered.

Especially the end bit where you only glimpse him in the darkness as he is running until he and his pursuers come into the light.

His facial contortions are amazing.

Actually I think that they do. I’ve been watching Grownish on freeform on hulu without the Live TV Hulu. Don’t know how much after I was able to watch each episode but it was updated weekly!

Yep. This sounds about right from the guys that wrote shows about mechs powered by the power of manliness and edgegirls using school unforms that grant them magical girl powers on steroids. -_-

I think the dialogue was rough, but absolutely everything else about this made for the best DC animated project of the last decade. A gorgeous artistic vision with incredible representations of the villains. One of the best and funnest Batclan stories ever. All hail Sumo Bane and what you get when you mix millions of

Yes. Complete with mecha castles forming voltron.

Good job! Also your arms are unreal. #gymgoals

Some good can still come out of this if, when the story gets turned into a trashy TV movie, they call it The Secret World of Allison Mack.

And cue the flat earthers/truthers and weirdos in 3, 2, 1....

I only want to offer one correction.

“Why don’t you switch to ___?”

While generally I agree with the statement sometimes it is legtimately impossible to switch depending on what role you’ve chosen. I’ve complaind to my team before “Why don’t we have a healer?” But I’m literally the team’s only tank (or vice versa). If I

Well, if nothing else it’s another motivator removed for those silver tongued overly ambitious psychopaths that tend to rise to the top of these companies and destroy any sense of ethics it may have once had once they get there. (When was the last time anyone mentioned Google’s “Don’t be Evil” slogan again? I’m pretty

5th paragraph:

“The attack resulted in some disruption to the Games, including loss of internet access and disruptions to broadcast systems and ticketing services, though it ultimately amounted to little more than temporary inconvenience.”

Seems like a rather rushed and sloppy attempt to do some superficial damage as

Watched this with girlfriends parents and her brother and his wife. All of them NRA, trumptards, except my GF. They kept yelling trumpublican and nra talking points every time a kid would speak. Was brutal. All were in agrreement....”If I had a gun I would’ve shot him in a second.” “Need more guns in school!”