
Despite the pissing and moaning, and the lack of faith at the publishing arm of Marvel, Lady Thor, and Falcon Cap, and Ms. Marvel are all awesome, and would make great second gen movies. Hollywood Marvel might be better at feeling broad appeal than Marvel comics.

N64 game character Glover also has some notes.

“6 out of 7 Glovers recommend Black Panther for all your panthering needs.”

The left opposes being so uncomfortable with gay people that you want to see them be psychologically tortured until they’ve been convinced they’re not gay anymore because that is Bad, Actually.

“I am Martin Luther King, and I’m a Trekkie.”

Critic reviews cannot be meta bombed, I come from video games where this practice is normal, the user reviews average in games is meaningless for a video game, and I the same applies to a movie, you have to read the review, is actually easy to tell when somebody a real score for a fake one, or somebody who hates the

I think the point was that the reported score that is covered by this article is the “critic” score. NOT the audience score. So your comment doesn’t really make sense since you are mixing different things together.

I agree with you about politics, though I am expecting the movie to be good.

I am hands raised toward heaven over this review.

I think I will always remember the races as their FFXI names they are too ingrained in my mind. I think its kinda silly that they changed them in the first place as they are only slightly different from their counterparts.

Oh. Kinja commenting troll UnknownUser wrote here but the commenting community was unaware they are a troll. That’s unfortunate.

Yeah totally if there’s been one lesson to learn from the past year it’s if you don’t like something just ignore it it’ll go away! Thanks for doing your part

Supposedly she is his daughter and yes he took the place of both White and Black Kings becoming the first Gray King.

Comic wise Magneto and Emma Frost have both been King/Queen of the hellfire club at least once or twice. Also yes Polaris’ father is indeed Magneto

Magneto became the White King of the Hellfire Club during his time when he was running the Xavier school in New Mutants back in the 80s.

More guillotines.

Don’t listen to all those critics! I love your bad pun!

Any list of “best scenes of 2017” that doesn’t have that in it is dubious at best.

I let out an audible gasp at that scene. I thought it was great. Lifelong Star Wars fan (saw the original at a drive in when I was six) and I’m of the belief that Last Jedi was wonderful. While I wouldn’t say flawless, it kept me and held me tight for two someodd hours, and I was sorry it ended.