
As a straight guy, I gotta my opinion in the ring (sorrynotsorry) on Lace Bullfighter. Sexy as hell. Granted that in this case it’s not the clothes making the man.

The luggage is just filled to the brim with lube.

If you can, get a TV with NO smart TV features at all. Not only they are bad, using horrible hardware and software, and outdated faster than any alternative... they are at best not much different than crappy IoT devices, at worse complete security and privacy holes. TV manufacturers have no incentive to update OS and

Welp, here I was hoping Viacom owned Cartoon Network, thinking maybe someone would leak some new episodes of Steven Universe. CN certainly isn’t releasing them any time soon...

Guitar solos in theme songs are generally welcome in my mind. MMPR arguably goes above and beyond in that regard.

This will just serve to further marginalize Israel’s already marginalized Arab population. Al Jazeera is not some Taliban backed propaganda outlet but a western-leaning news outlet that just happens to point out some of the vile activities that the right leaning elements in Israel would rather you not hear about..

Farscape is easily one of the most underrated science fiction shows of the last 20 years. In fact he might have taken more lessons from it on showing how a group of dissimilar people become a family.

Any secure network is only as strong as its dumbest user. Any org as big as HBO is going to have some idiots on staff. So you can’t prevent hacks, at best you can compartmentalize your network so that intrusions won’t get everything.

I’d like to introduce these trolls to pretty much the entire women’s footwear industry. 90% of women’s shoes were designed to look sexy, because they sure as hell weren’t designed for walking.

I swear I read specifically that they changed that plot line from the book in order to be able to cast PoC in major roles. I think your choices were:


Does it really qualify “cult” hit? I mean it seemed to be universally loved at the time, was extremely quotable and got a spinoff.

I’ve been watching episodes of Animaniacs recently there’s so many obscure pop culture references from the 90s that completely went over my head as a 7 year old.

More Gargoyles because it was awesome.

-This is ridiculous Mulder. There isn’t a personification of the media that takes the form of Lucy Ricardo and Ziggy Stardust walking around and trying to convince people to align with her.
Now let’s investigate the case of the missing children in that Great Lakes small town.

Pages 3 says “Trump is a baby-handed loser” in huge font. The other 189 pages are just Lorem ipsum. Nobody in the White House will notice.

The fact that this exists is reason enough for me to watch it.

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?