
Since the IMAX people paid for for the first two episodes

This isn’t actually that new. Bioware did nearly the exact same thing following Dragon Age 2. They put the franchise on ice for a little bit, got some distance, studied the data and fan reaction and learned. When they came back to it in Inquisition it was a much better game all around. Mass Effect certainly isn’t

Yeah, but hahahahahaha at Congress passing a law.

Nope. Not since 1999.

Yes, James Kalstrom who was the former FBI head of the NY office. A few weeks before the election Rudy Giuliani bragged about having contacts in the NY office ready to spill some incriminating information. Apparently there were a few rouge anti Clinton agents there. Most FBI agents are a political or lean

The FBI, like a lot of police organizations, skews very conservative. It’s the “law-and-order party” thing. So I doubt this firing is going to throw the agency in turmoil. Most of these guys voted for Trump.

I will follow Amy Acker to hell and back. I WILL WATCH EVERYTHING SHE IS IN.

He just bought himself a Special Prosecutor.

sigh, Does the girl playing Polaris not have green hair?

Nature is scary as all hell.

We’re all equally dead, you mean.

Ugh, who let all the shitbird trolls out the greys? Well, stop doing it.

Congratulations France! The majority of Americans understand the problem is not hate, walls or bombing each other. Sadly our system is very flawed and we ended up with an orange cheeto in charge.

How is it sad? The majority voted for him. That’s what they wanted. Just like the majority voted for Hilary but our disgusting relic of a election system failed us once again.

I guess you could say if you experience Hulu Live TV, you can tell right off the bat that they are on the right track. I think its hard to describe. Mostly because the problems are so glaring and easy to point out. That DVR for instance, is like some kind of puzzle that is not meant for anybody to solve. There is

* Yes, things are worse for women in other countries, like Saudi Arabia, but that doesn’t negate how women are treated here. Using that as an excuse to dismantle conversations about American civil rights is, just that, an excuse. By the way, women in some Orthodox Jewish communities in the US are forbidden to drive,

To be fair, it’s cheaper if you already have Hulu and the DVR isn’t much of an issue because most of the content is already available based on their Hulu library. The winner here is their backlog library.

I mean, these are better than the thing on Serida Swan’s head! They could hire an former contestant from Drag Race, and they’d do a better with her wig.

I really want a job as an influencer. I recommend fruit flavored seltzer water, mixed breed dogs, never wearing shoes with Velcro, and Fun Dip Lik-a-Stix. Does anyone feel influenced? Give me a dollar.

This woman who works at blizzard is winning at life. I envy her.