
its because they waited until they actually played the game it was meant to be played before rushing a review out lol

Because in Star Trek a ship's primary function was exploration (with the exception of the Defiant class). So, you needed the room for all the science labs and non-combat science crew. The Bird of Prey and Jem Hadar ships were ships of war.

"We had two bags of gysahl greens, seventy-five pieces of phoenix down, five hi-powered elixirs, a saltshaker half-full of smelling salts, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored hypers, tranquilizers, eye drops, echo screens... Also, a quart of remedy, a quart of holy water, a case of potions, a pint of raw ether, and

But in this image I can still see her *Dark Pit.*


Beat me. Though I'd have said, "They're spinning him off from Smallville? Are you kidding me?" (which was the first erroneous assumption). And even after the first month I'd have said, "What is this wanna-be Chris Nolan Batman crap?" Then Deathstroke and The Huntress showed up and all bets were off.


A Disney Prince article without dickpics? What kind of shity article is this? Gawker expects better from you Mike.

[Insert Katara here]

Now playing

This is sooooo scary for the potential of "disposable" people in the future. Americans are kept healthy with the blood of Ugandans etc...

Grade 4 science teacher, non-religious public school, 1981: "Surely there must have been some great intelligence that put evolution into motion. It's impossible that it could have happened on its own."

I always liked her better than the regular one.

Hey. Watch it.

Anya Corazon is the FUCKING BOMB.

Wait. Sony has filming rights to Spider-Woman? You mean I will never get Jessica Drew hangs out with Carol Danvers and Clint Barton stories in the MCU like in the comics? Boo! Booooooooooooooooooo!

*Sigh* I dunno why I always get my hopes up.

But do they become a sexy lady robot?