this. 100 times this
Teen Wolf featuring 90% hairless men (some face scruff on Derek) must really PO you then :P
io9 has just single handedly sold me and many, many other gay men on going to see this movie in theaters with a single headline.
dragonball z stole it first
::river song voice:: spoilers ;-)
Tons of depth for a 'kids' cartoon. Great life lessons, great battle sequences, and so much lore!
thanks citizen
until Disney decides Chewwy is the Chewwy of the Marvel universe
you left her for Kaiden didnt you? So did I. Damn them for only letting me be gay in MEIII, it would have saved so much heartbreak.
Apparently Future Bobby Drake, from some of the recent Xmen timey wimey adventures, can create sentient ice monsters.
dat hip walk at 3:15
There's a ton you could say about Data, but my shining moment for him was when he and Spock were discussing how it was odd Spock strives to distance himself from his humanity (yet clearly lets it influence him) and Data strives to actively become more human.
Star Sword is still lost as far as we know :(
With acting chops like Fast 6 under her belt, how can we go wrong.
not a mental power though. :/