
DuckDNS is impressive. The setup was unbelievably simple (I literally didn't believe I was done until I pinged my new DNS address). Great service so far! Thanks!

I figured out what my problem was (although I still wish Google would fix it). This only happens when you change your "From:" address.

I had my iTunes Library on a NAS with a dedicated drive letter and one of the iTunes updates totally broke it. The music, Library files, xml, etc are all still on the drive, but iTunes doesn't recognize it (even though the path is still the same). So, I'm not sure if it's because iTunes doesn't support network

Is it just me, or did Gmail recently change they way it handles responding to sent messages in a conversation? I remember being able to hit reply on a sent message and the TO: field would default to the person I was originally sending to. Now, I end up sending the message to myself. I would love to be able to bring

I use Rowmote Pro for iPhone. I have XBMC on my Apple TV so the keyboard function saves so much time (no need to type letter by letter with the remote).

Warning for people who don't like pop-up ads with sound and "congratulations, you're the 1000th visitor" ads. This site has them. That is all.

Question #1: Does it store multiple copies of all songs on each computer and the storage device? That doesn't seem like an efficient use of space. It would be great if you could just access a single library stored on a network-enabled hard drive from multiple computers and have all the same syncing features.

@jdbutvin: Where did you get this information?

@iamjames: Yeah, this works great for non-gmail accounts but if you want to send from another gmail account it shows the "on behalf of"? You can't even enter the SMTP settings for gmail addresses (which they should know anyway).

One problem with this feature is that it removes the embed code option.

@y0himba: Agreed, this would be great if it was free.

Just figured I'd mention that this is awesome. Can't wait to try it.

www.pricespider.com does this too. I'll have to check this one out. I used Pricespider when I bought my TV and I'm confident that I got a good deal on it.

@JiltedCitizen: I'm confused by all the hate too. Google toolbar is very useful. Sure, all browsers include a search box now, but I like the features. Such as all the different search types, highlighting, and Google Bookmarks. I certainly don't see anything that warrants that kind of vehement response. What's

Also, I'm sure anyone who reads lifehacker knows about donotcall.gov. But if you still get calls about car payments, then you probably don't. Register your numbers!

@uberamd: Yes, and this will definitely drive more people to jailbreak their iphones.

I live in a Blue state, and I don't follow politics (probably because my vote means nothing) so I'm going to be voting Red. Until they repeal the electoral college, this is my way of trying to even up the vote. I just want my vote to mean something, and a blue vote in a blue state means nothing. If enough apathetic

@SMSDHubbard: So if Google adds a feature to their iphone maps app, the only way to update it is through a firmware update? I wish it were like any other app and you could just update it.

@sibirya: FYI.. sibirya is a spambot. Please ban.