
Episiotomy was once said to be a preventative against those complications but is now known to be medically unnecessary and in many cases more dangerous to a woman’s health. Please consider correcting this article

Even better Megan wore Serena’s blazer to Australia, where they ran that horrible racist cartoon of her.

Just when I think society is getting irredeemably worse, something like this happens and it reminds me that things are getting better in a lot of ways too. Twenty years ago, the power dynamic between two consenting adults wasn’t something people devoted much attention to. Now we pay more attention. That’s a sign that

I know, right. Like we don’t all know that the Markles would immediately sell any and all pictures/videos/greeting cards with the baby’s face to the Daily Fail.

I clearly specified heavily skewed power dynamics as part of the equation. Boss/employee. Inmate/guard. No such skewed power dynamic exists between you and the hypothetical dude you turned down for a date.

I have one thing to say to Sa

That is a bit of a lose-lose situation. If she doesn’t talk about him, she’s ignoring the situation. Going on the defensive means stepping in shit. If only there were a third option...

“My husband became President almost thirty years ago. Our country has changed so much since then and so have our ways of thinking. I

lol I was with you until baby leashes. My baby doesn't walk yet but I imagine she'll be crazy as all fuck and I'll definitely need one if those leash things. (I also hope she walks soon because she's like 22 pounds now and my arms can't take it) 

Well it’s telling when a foreign born white women with an anchor baby and marrying someone twice her age is questioning someone else’s birth.

She’ll produce the only son who can maintain a full head of hair at 40.

“...have an affair while she’s working under him. <—-heh heh I see what you did there!

UGhhhhhh......look, the woman was cheated on in the most public, gross, circus filled way possible. For whatever reason, she stayed with him. We should not be using her comments about her husband as some compass of right/wrong. I have friends that have been cheated on who are very moral, wonderful people, but stayed

Not exactly the same, but I’m facing a little of this in the Illinois gubernatorial race. J.B. Pritzker was not even my SECOND choice for the Democratic candidate, but unfortunately, he won. There’s some whispers of possible tax evasion and corruption (nothing well substantiated that I’ve seen yet), and the last thing

It was actually 3 months, and the police did an extremely good job for once. This is bad summarization by Jezebel, the article details the police investigation.

If you care to read through the source article, it was pretty much pure luck they even managed to track the guy down.

They didn’t actually call an Uber. The dude just picked them up after seeing them on the street, and said he’d give them a ride home. She at first thought she had been in a police car. They actually did a ton of work to find the guy. You should read the Miami times article which goes into real detail.

Jesus, I bet even John Mayer is reading this and thinking “What a douchebag.”

Terry Crews is always the right answer.

I’m pretty sure the comments sections on this website are full of middle class people who are disenchanted with our social contract!