
I grew up in the south so it wasn’t a big deal to drive 25 minutes into town to go to WalMart, or 35 - 40 minutes to the actual big town to go to the nice mall. But now that I live in Montgomery county, I have less patience for a 45 minute drive to visit a friend in Alexandria or near Capitol Hill. I’m just lazy and

It's a good book though.

Yeah, Prodigy.

Miami Glow was the jam! My college roommate had that and it was her “goin out to da club” scent.


And didn’t she play the mean coworker as well? Love her!

Dhiraj Naseen! I was hoping we’d see some of your bylines over here!

Mama Dee deserves!

I watched a couple seasons of PLL while sitting on the couch during a 2 or 3 day sick leave stretch. The show eventually got so boring. I lasted through the reveal of the first “A,” but it seemed like the same storylines kept repeating over and over again. Also, Lucy Hale’s relationship with the older (substitute?

I was so sad when it was canceled! Should have gotten a better ending.

Yes of course! I wash every body part (and also apply lotion) in a specific order. Face first, feet last.

Isn’t Tori Bowie STUNNING?

What in the world... the anouncer came on and I thought, “Oh that’s not so bad, I understand everything he’s saying...” And then the brothers appeared. I understood “mottor,” “fahder,” bread roll, and nutella.

I was so excited for Franchesca! I hope she lands somewhere else great.

That rant was amazing! I had to rewind to enjoy the sound effects.

His eyes were so comforting.

That fool must be purposefully trolling....

Coup de Foudre is great for fittings.

That girl picks THE WORST Diors. I can’t tell if they enjoy making her look a hot mess or her taste is really that bad.

I think I am most offended that Vogue continually puts lacklustre, boring, do-nothing starlets on their covers while ignoring interesting and charismatic actresses of color. Why hasn’t Kerry Washington had a cover yet but Blake Lively has had multiple covers? Why haven’t they had a cover story on Gabby Union’s