
I actually enjoyed HTGAWM more this season than I did last. For whatever reason, I was able to follow the storyline a bit better and that became my must-watch Thursday night show (over Scandal- Scandal often just makes me tired).

Wait— THAT’S what the J Law movie is about? A new mop?? I’ve seen the trailer every time I’ve been to the movies in the past 3 - 4 months and I honestly had no idea what the heck that movie was about or why I should want to watch it.

I think these Housewives probably take the “yaaas girl”ing to the extreme (I admit, I don’t watch because I don’t have cable), but I will say that some of Black male gay culture comes from Southern black female culture, and particularly church lady culture. So many men grew up idolizing (and having close

Thank goodness I watched all of Disappeared before they got rid of them!

I thought this post was going to be about how she had a secret twin.

My spouse is a consultant, and generally I see him 2.5 days per week. It’s not the greatest setup, but his income and long hours help subsidize my non-profit work. It sucks taking multiple flights per week and spending more time living out of hotels than with your family (lots of his coworkers have little children).

It’s sweet potato! I too hate pumpkin pie, because I didn’t grow up eating it and think it doesn’t really taste like anything. I might venture out this evening to try to find one of Patti’s pies!

I watched the broadcast live on Sunday night and as Viola left the stage, the camera panned over the audience. I clearly saw Amy and Christina Hendricks. Amy looked either bored to tears or like, out of her mind and Christina looked uncomfortable as hell and kind of put out.

Yes! So disappointing, but why did I expect better? Amy Poehler in particular looked SO over it. Maybe she was tired, but at least try to look alive when someone makes history and gives a touching, heartfelt speech! And these people KNOW they are on camera and just don’t give a shit.

Yes, I totally agree. I’m from the South as well, and I had to say “yes, ma’am” and “no, sir” to teachers and friends’ parents and I find myself still saying “thank you ma’am” as a sign of respect. Adults with whom my parents or grandparents were particularly close (like my grandparent’s next door neighbors) went by

Did the moderators refer to the Republican nominees “Senator Whatshisface” and “Governor Whatshisface” and Carly Fiorina just “Carly”?? Don’t like it.

Meek is always yelling, and yet I couldn’t understand a damn thing he said!

That gif...?? I can’t stop watching.

Dammit, no Gina Rodriguez!!

Your gif game is on point! That was the episode when Gina and Pam were both trying to be Biggie’s background singers! “Sangin’ in the background!!”

You know it’s Frankie all the way, if only to hear him hit that “Woooooooaaaaaa!”

I listen to way too much NPR, and the only thing that I was annoyed about was that I had never heard Kim Kardashian’s voice (which I read somewhere was super annoying) and NPR ended that little streak. Her voice is kind of annoying (I honestly can’t imagine her and Kanye having a conversation) but she was funny and

I saw the cover while at the store and the first thing I thought was “Yeah, Rolling Stone, we get it- these white ladies have boobs.” But honestly, I wouldn’t expect anything less (or more?) from RS.

I'm still mad that Jack and the real Emily Thorne named their baby Carl.